A. Fiannaca

Context-Aware Visual Exploration of Molecular Databases

Facilitating the visual exploration of scientific data has\ud received increasing attention in the past decade or so. Especially\ud in life science related application areas the amount\ud of available data has grown at a breath taking pace. In this\ud paper we describe an approach that allows for visual inspection\ud of large collections of molecular compounds. In\ud contrast to classical visualizations of such spaces we incorporate\ud a specific focus of analysis, for example the outcome\ud of a biological experiment such as high throughout\ud screening results. The presented method uses this experimental\ud data to select molecular fragments of the underlying\ud molecules that have intere…

research product

An Ontology Design Methodology for Knowledge-Based Systems with Application to Bioinformatics

Ontologies are formal knowledge representation models. Knowledge organization is a fundamental requirement in order to develop Knowledge-Based systems. In this paper we present Data-Problem-Solver (DPS) approach, a new ontological paradigm that allows the knowledge designer to model and represent a Knowledge Base (KB) for expert systems. Our approach clearly distinguishes among the knowledge about a problem to resolve (answering the what to do question), the solver method to resolve it (answering the how to do question) and the type of input data required (answering the what I need question). The main purpose of the proposed paradigm is to facilitate the generalization of the application do…

research product