Chloé Bonnineau
Rapport final du projet Antibiotools - Des outils pour caractériser et suivre les antibiotiques et antibiorésistances dans les écosystèmes aquatique (PNREST Anses, 2017/3 ABR/22)
Résistance aux antibiotiques et impact écologique chez les communautés microbiennes benthiques exposées a la contamination urbaine.
National audience
Multiple tools for antibiotics and AMR characterisation in aquatic ecosystems a 2-years monitoring study
International audience
Array of microbial indicators, a promise for a better monitoring of pesticide effects on stream biological quality
Visioconférence; National audience; Freshwater contamination by pesticide residues is a major and growing threat to aquatic communities, ecosystem functioning and ultimately human health worldwide. Typical pesticide contamination in agricultural landscapes is characterized by a cocktail of a large number of active compounds and their main transformation products, each of them found at very low and temporally fluctuating concentrations. This makes the quantification of pesticide residues in streams highly challenging and costly by means of grab chemical sampling. Accordingly, it makes also difficult to characterize the chronic exposure of aquatic communities in pesticide-contaminated streams…
Interfacial photochemistry of biogenic surfactants: a major source of abiotic volatile organic compounds
Films of biogenic compounds exposed to the atmosphere are ubiquitously found on the surfaces of cloud droplets, aerosol particles, buildings, plants, soils and the ocean. These air/water interfaces host countless amphiphilic compounds concentrated there with respect to in bulk water, leading to a unique chemical environment. Here, photochemical processes at the air/water interface of biofilm-containing solutions were studied, demonstrating abiotic VOC production from authentic biogenic surfactants under ambient conditions. Using a combination of online-APCI-HRMS and PTR-ToF-MS, unsaturated and functionalized VOCs were identified and quantified, giving emission fluxes comparable to previous …
Membres du comité d’organisation scientifique
EA BIOME INRA; National audience
Exposure of benthic microbial communities to pharmaceuticals and resulting adaptation including tolerance, biodegradation and antibiotic resistance: advances and challenges
International audience; Since the early 1920’s, pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics, have been massively producedand consumed for the benefit of both human and animal health. Pharmaceuticals residues havethen reached the aquatic environment through diffuse and point (wastewater) sources. Amongthe pharmaceutical residues, the ubiquitous presence of antibiotics could exert a selectivepressure on microbial communities leading to the acquisition and dissemination of antibioticresistance in the environment.We present here the synthesis of recent research projects (e.g. PANDORE, Antibio-tools,Antibiotox, PharmaTox...) investigating the dissemination of pharmaceuticals, includingantibiotics, in…
Membres du comité d'organisation scientifique
Présentation du projet ANTIBIO-TOOLS
Présentation du projet ANTIBIO-TOOLS au comité de gestion de SIPIBEL (Site Pilote de Bellecombe)
Contrasting Effects of Environmental Concentrations of Sulfonamides on Microbial Heterotrophic Activities in Freshwater Sediments
The sulfonamide antibiotics sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and sulfamethazine (SMZ) are regularly detected in surface sediments of contaminated hydrosystems, with maximum concentrations that can reach tens of μg kg–1 in stream and river sediments. Little is known about the resulting effects on the exposed benthic organisms. Here we investigated the functional response of stream sediment microbial communities exposed for 4 weeks to two levels of environmentally relevant concentrations of SMX and SMZ, tested individually. To this end, we developed a laboratory channel experiment where natural stream sediments were immersed in water contaminated with nominal environmental concentrations of 500 and 5,0…
Development and dissemination to operational stakeholders of integrative tools for chemical and biological measurements in watercourses to monitor the impact of pesticides according to agricultural practices and their evolution
The results of the Impact-CE project highlight the specific contribution of various integrative tools to have a more complete vision of the chemical and biological impact of pesticides on watercourses. In addition to grabe sampling, which gives a quantitative and instantaneous view of contamination, these tools provide more representative information over time, which makes them better tools for prioritising basins that contribute to contamination. They are also more robust for reporting interannual changes in agricultural practices, even if it may remain difficult to dissociate the effect of limited changes in practices from that of significant climatic variations. The results also confirm …