Jérôme Labanowski


Rapport final du projet Antibiotools - Des outils pour caractériser et suivre les antibiotiques et antibiorésistances dans les écosystèmes aquatique (PNREST Anses, 2017/3 ABR/22)

research product

Anthropogenic lead distribution in soils under arable land and permanent grassland estimated by Pb isotopic compositions

International audience; The role of land use on fate of metals in soils is poorly understood. In this work, we studied the incorporation of lead in two neighboring soils with comparable pedogenesis but under long-term different agricultural management. Distributions of anthropogenic Pb were assessed from concentrations and isotopic compositions determined on bulk horizon samples, systematical 5–10 cm increment samples, and on 24-h EDTA extracts. Minor amounts of anthropogenic lead were detected until 1-m depth under permanent grassland, linked to high earthworm activity. In arable land, exogenous Pb predominantly accumulated at depths <60 cm. Although the proximity between the two sites ens…

research product

Résistance aux antibiotiques et impact écologique chez les communautés microbiennes benthiques exposées a la contamination urbaine.

National audience

research product

Modeling of 137Cs migration in soils using an 80-year soil archive: role of fertilizers and agricultural amendments

An 80-year soil archive, the 42-plot experimental design at the INRA in Versailles (France), is used here to study long-term contamination by 137Cs atmospheric deposition and the fate of this radioisotope when associated with various agricultural practices: fallow land, KCl, NH4(NO3), superphosphate fertilizers, horse manure and lime amendments. The pertinence of a simple box model, where radiocaesium is supposed to move downward by convectional mechanisms, is checked using samples from control plots which had been neither amended, nor cultivated since 1928. This simple model presents the advantage of depending on only two parameters: α, a proportional factor allowing the historical atmosph…

research product

Exposure of benthic microbial communities to pharmaceuticals and resulting adaptation including tolerance, biodegradation and antibiotic resistance: advances and challenges

International audience; Since the early 1920’s, pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics, have been massively producedand consumed for the benefit of both human and animal health. Pharmaceuticals residues havethen reached the aquatic environment through diffuse and point (wastewater) sources. Amongthe pharmaceutical residues, the ubiquitous presence of antibiotics could exert a selectivepressure on microbial communities leading to the acquisition and dissemination of antibioticresistance in the environment.We present here the synthesis of recent research projects (e.g. PANDORE, Antibio-tools,Antibiotox, PharmaTox...) investigating the dissemination of pharmaceuticals, includingantibiotics, in…

research product

Présentation du projet ANTIBIO-TOOLS

Présentation du projet ANTIBIO-TOOLS au comité de gestion de SIPIBEL (Site Pilote de Bellecombe)

research product

Le projet "identification et impact des sites miniers abandonnés sur les écosystèmes aquatiques et terrestres actuels"

research product

Impact of historical mining assessed in soils by kinetic extraction and lead isotopic ratios.

12 pages; International audience; The aim of this study is to estimate the long-term behaviour of trace metals, in two soils differently impacted by past mining. Topsoils from two 1 km(2) zones in the forested Morvan massif (France) were sampled to assess the spatial distribution of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. The first zone had been contaminated by historical mining. As expected, it exhibits higher trace-metal levels and greater spatial heterogeneity than the second non-contaminated zone, supposed to represent the local background. One soil profile from each zone was investigated in detail to estimate metal behaviour, and hence, bioavailability. Kinetic extractions were performed using EDTA on thre…

research product

The impact of urban contamination on antibioresistance in microbial communities from periphyton and sediments

International audience; Since the early 20's antibiotics have been massively produced and consumed for the benefit of bothhuman and animal health. Nevertheless, antibiotics have also reached the aquatic environmentthrough diffuse sources (e.g. veterinary treatment, contaminated manure application...) and throughwastewater. Consequently, antibiotics concentrations between the ng/L and μg/L range are regularlydetected in surface water and those molecules have also been found in sediments and aquatic biota.The ubiquitous presence of antibiotics exerts a selective pressure on microbial communities leading tothe acquisition and dissemination of antibioresistance in the environment. While both an…

research product

Le programme « Identification et impact des sites miniers abandonnés sur les écosystèmes aquatiques et terrestres actuels ». Bilan au sein du Parc naturel régional du Morvan

National audience

research product

Ancient mining near the Bibracte oppidum and its nowadays impact on ecosystems: A multidisciplinary approach

International audience

research product