Julie Vera Cullimore

Sélection pour l'architecture racinaire et les interactions symbiotiques chez le pois

National audience; La culture des légumineuses, et en particulier du pois, présente le double intérêt de permettre une production de graines à haute valeur nutritionnelle sans nécessité d’un apport d’engrais azoté et ainsi d’assurer à la fois sécurité alimentaire et respect de l’environnement. La nutrition azotée des légumineuses dépend en effet majoritairement de la fixation symbiotique de l’azote atmosphérique réalisée par des bactéries du sol, les rhizobia, au sein des nodosités, et dans une moindre mesure, de l’assimilation de l’azote minéral du sol par les racines. Cependant, la nutrition azotée du pois peut être insuffisante dans certains environnements et limiter ainsi le rendement d…

research product

Can LCO and mycorrhiza mitigate the impact of water deficit on pea growth in co-inoculations with rhizobium? A preliminary assessment

National audience; Water stress is a major factor limiting production of legumes in Europe, but could be mitigated by improving interactions between plant roots and soil microbial communities, including symbiotic rhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. These two microbes produce lipochitooligosaccharide (LCO) signals, which stimulate symbiotic interactions and lateral root formation [1, 2]. While N2-fixation by rhizobia fulfills the plants N requirement [3], mycorrhizal fungi can improve mineral nutrition (P, N, S, K, Zn, Cu…) and water uptake [4- 5]. We have investigated in pea plants grown in interaction with a rhizobium strain, to what extent the negative impact of water deficit could…

research product

GRaSP project Genetics of Rhizobia Selection by Pea

Prod 2019-88aa; National audience; Because of their ability to fix nitrogen in symbiosis with soil bacteria, legumes such as peas have an important role to play in the development of a sustainable agriculture. However, in the field, biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) could be suboptimal as natural Rhizobium leguminosarum viciae (Rlv) populations are quantitatively and qualitatively heterogeneous, with strains varying in their competitiveness and efficiency of BNF [1,2]. There is a general agreement concerning the interest of Rlv inoculation for improving BNF and thus pea yield [3]. However, even when pea seeds are inoculated by efficient Rlv strains these can be outcompeted by indigenous rh…

research product

Architecture racinaire, interactions symbiotiques, stress

Prod 2018-322 BAP EA GEAPSI INRA; National audience

research product

Root system architecture, nodulation and nitrogen nutrition in pea

National audience

research product

The E3 Ubiquitin Ligase PUB1 negatively regulates both nodulation and mycorrhization in Medicago truncatula

International audience

research product