Predation by signal crayfishPacifastacus leniusculuson fish eggs and its consequences for coregonid recruitment
The character and magnitude of predation by the invasive, ectothermic Pacifastacus leniusculus, a crayfish widely introduced to Europe and Japan from North America, on the eggs of coregonid fishes, vendace Coregonus albula and whitefish Coregonus lavaretus were examined by experimentation, modelling and field data. The present results showed that P. leniusculus has the potential to be very efficient predator of fish eggs under winter conditions, but the predation by P. leniusculus did not significantly decrease production of coregonid larvae during the years with a high P. leniusculus population in the study lake. Hence, the mortality caused by the novel invertebrate predator appeared to co…