Alytis Gruodis
General Approach to the Description of Fundamental Properties of Disordered Nanosized Media
Physics of non-regular nanosystems is a branch of physics dealing with nanoagents – nanoparticles when non-regular nanosized morphological characteristics predetermine the nature and essence of physical phenomenon (nanophenomenon). In particular, multiple technological interfaces of nanoparticles with morphologically regular systems imply a creation of micro- or mesostructures with essential nanodimensional effects (e.g. in various schemes of functionalization of nanocarbon systems, viz. carbon nanotubes (CNTs), graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), graphene nanoflakes (GNFs), carbon-based nanoaerogels and nanofoams, etc.). However, classes of nanomaterials, in addition to nanocarbon systems, can be…
Classification and Operating Principles of Nanodevices
The chapter presents and explains the classification of sensors in accordance with their physicochemical principles of functioning, as well as the types of recognition. Several prototypes of physical, chemical and biosensors based on polar molecular compounds such as indandione, fluorene and carbazole derivatives are described from the point of view of their structure and energy. One of the most important applications of nanosensitive materials is realized in the class of memory nanodevices. The realization of bistability in molecular or layered derivatives is usually carried out through processes based on tautomers and conformers, as well as phase transition processes. Typical examples of …
Nanosensor Systems Simulations
The chapter presents functionalized CNT and GNR nanostructures as the basis for the creation of physical, chemical and biochemical nanosensors. We have shown in our simulations the sensitivity of electron conductivity of FET-type nanodevices (based on CNTs and GNRs) to local doping by nitrogen and boron. This phenomenon provides the prospective of creating nanosensors.
Graphene, Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes: Electronic Subsystem
This chapter introduces the reader to the analysis of the structural and electronic system properties of various carbon allotropes (CNT, graphene) and several molecular derivatives. The genesis of the electronic system formation is investigated in detail. Non-regular defected nanocarbon systems are considered for possible applications in different fields, including energy storage; chemical, biochemical and electrochemical sensing; water purification; and catalysis.
Scattering Processes in Nanocarbon-Based Nanointerconnects
Cluster approach based on the multiple scattering theory (MST) formalism, realistic analytical and coherent potentials as well as effective medium approximation (EMA–CPA) can be effectively used for nanosized systems modelling. Major attention is paid now to applications of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) with various morphology which possess unique physical properties in nanoelectronics, e.g. contacts of CNTs or GNRs with other conducting elements of a nanocircuit, which can be promising candidates for interconnects in high-speed electronics. The main problems connected with the resistance of C–Me junctions with metal particles appear due to the influence of chirali…
Nanotechnology Application Challenges: Nanomanagement, Nanorisks and Consumer Behaviour
New emerging technologies are entering the society, which makes civil society the location for moral authority. Society is about the quality of human relationships; it is where people have to accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions; it is where the nano meets the micro and the micro meets the macro issues. Society belongs to all of us and everyone has his role to play. A new way of system thinking – nanothinking demonstrates technology trends from perfectness to non-regularity. The removal of current contradictions between regular and non-regular systems and the corresponding nanophenomena is the way to novel processes in the development of nanosciences and nanotechnolog…
CNT and Graphene Growth: Growing, Quality Control, Thermal Expansion and Chiral Dispersion
The chapter presents and discusses the production of graphene sheets of carbon nanotubes (CNT) of various types. The Iijima arc discharge method, following the purification methods, is described identifying advantages and disadvantages. Several types of non-regularities such as the Stone–Wales defect and corner effect, which locally increases reactivity, are described from the structural point of view. The laser ablation method is presented as one of the most prominent methods in the production of CNTs. The catalytic chemical vapour deposition (CVD) method is a very effective tool for the controlled production of different carbon shells. The sporadic and simulated growth of CNTs depends on …
Introduction to Non-regular Nanosystems
The chapter presents a short description of the main topics in non-regular nanosystems. In general, the scientific content of the discussed problems is based on the research interests of the authors of this book. Non-regularity is considered as a basic stimulus for the operational abilities of novel nanomaterials.
Spintronics and Nanomemory Systems
The chapter presents and explains the possibilities of CNT forest growth on Fe–Pt nanoparticles for the magnetic nanomemory. The magnetoresistance phenomena – giant magnetoresistance and tunnelling magnetoresistance (GMR and TMR) – for nanomemory devices are based on CNTs of various morphologies (i.e. various chiralities, diameters). It includes metal- and semiconductor-like CNTs which can be considered as alternative variants for electromagnetic nanosensoring and magnetic nanomemory. The chapter also presents simulations of Fe–Pt magnetically disordered nanodrops, as well as spin transport models.
Potentials and Electronic Structure Calculations of Non-regular Nanosystems
Methods of numerical investigations of potentials and pseudopotentials for fundamental properties calculations (electronic, vibrational, electron-phonon phenomena, etc.) of condensed matter constitute a basic principle of modelling. It is very essential to find specific analytical approaches to the calculation of atomic and ‘crystalline’ potentials to make the calculations most effective. In particular, we pay attention to the modelling of pure Coulomb contributions and their exchange-correlation corrections in the framework of Xα- и Xαβ-approximations.
Surface Nanophysics: Macro-, Meso-, Micro- and Nano-approaches
The surface factor is very important for manipulating objects at a nanoscale. Thermodynamic behaviour is observed from the classical point of view, and conditional division into macro-, meso-, micro- and nano-approaches is presented. Processes of physical and chemical adsorption on the surface are presented from the energy and structure aspects. The occurrence of electronic states of the surface is presented from the classical point of view in comparison with molecular electronic states. One of the most important non-invasive optical methods to investigate nanoparticles is the surface plasmon resonance (SPR), which is quite useful for practical detection of nanoparticles in the surrounding …