M. Kessler
Langzeitergebnisse nach Korrektur tiefer Analatresie
Zwischen 1971 und 1998 wurden 123 Kinder (82 Madchen, 41 Jungen) wegen einer tiefen anorektalen Agenesie operiert. Davon konnten 78 Patienten (63,4%) im Durchschnitt 9 Jahre nach der Operation nachuntersucht werden. 71 Patienten (91%) waren kontinent und 7 (9%) partiell inkontinent. Operationsalter und primare Operationsmethode besasen keinen Einflus auf die Kontinenz. 5 der 7 Kinder mit partieller Inkontinenz wurden mehrfach operiert, dreimal nach Cut back. Entscheidend fur die spatere Kontinenz der tiefen Analatresie ist der Erfolg der Primaroperation (anteriore Anorektoplastik). Die Beurteilung der Kontinenz nach tiefer Analatresie mus sich letztendlich an einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe m…
Congenital malformations and perinatal morbidity associated with intestinal neuronal dysplasia.
A close relation between different forms of dysganglionosis such as intestinal neuronal dysplasia (IND) type B and aganglionosis has been established. No systematic analysis of other malformations and diseases accompanying IND has been made as yet. Congenital malformations and perinatal morbidity were analyzed in 109 patients with IND seen at the Department of Pediatric Surgery in Mainz from 1977 to 1996. IND was associated with Hirschsprung's disease in 47 cases; 22 children with IND had other abdominal malformations, including anal atresia, rectal stenosis, sigmoidal stenosis, ileal atresia, pyloric stenosis, and esophageal atresia. A cystic bowel duplication, a choledochal cyst, and a pe…
Problems Involved in the Measurement of Microcirculation by Means of Microelectrodes
Until now, the interpretation of local wash-out curves, measured by means of microelectrodes and using hydrogen as diffusible indicator, is an unsettled problem. It has been shown, that even the simultaneous measurement by means of a surface-multiwire-Pt-microelectrode at the isolated and hemoglobin-free perfused rat liver yields different wash-out curves (4). These differences occur with regard to the height of the curves as well as to the moment, when the maximum of the indicator’s concentration is seen by the microelectrode. Fig.1 represents four simultaneously recorded curves. The difference in sensitivity of each micro-electrode has been compensated by a computer. The fast curve corres…