Johannes Ring
21. Mainzer Allergie-Workshop
15. Mainzer Allergie-Workshop 2003
Diagnostics of autoimmune bullous diseases in German dermatology departments
Summary Background: No consistent data are available on the currently employed diagnostic tools for autoimmune bullous diseases in Germany. The aim of this survey was to describe currently performed diagnostic methods for bullous autoimmune diseases in German dermatology departments. Methods: A standardized questionnaire evaluated the available diagnostic methods i. e. direct immunofluorescence microscopy (IFM), indirect IFM, commercial ELISA systems, and non-commercial serological tests as well as the number of samples per year in all 34 university and 39 non-university dermatology departments. Results: The overall return rate was 89 %, 100 % and 79 % for the university and non-university …
Effects of structured patient education in adults with atopic dermatitis: Multicenter randomized controlled trial
Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic relapsing skin disease prevalent in 1% to 3% of adults in Western industrialized countries. Objective: We sought to investigate the effectiveness of educational training in an outpatient setting on coping with the disease, quality of life, symptoms, and severity in adults with AD. Methods: In this German prospective, randomized controlled multicenter study, adult patients with moderate-to-severe AD were educated by referring to a comprehensive 12-hour training manual consented by a multiprofessional study group from different centers (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Neurodermitisschulung fur Erwachsene [ARNE]). Patients were randomly allocated to the inte…
Antiasthmatic Effects of <i>Picrorhiza kurroa</i>: Androsin Prevents Allergen- and PAF-induced Bronchial Obstruction in Guinea Pigs
In the Ayurvedic medicine, <i>Picrorhiza kurroa </i>Royle ex Benth. is used for the treatment of liver and lung diseases. Using different chemical and pharmacological methods, we could identify the phenol glycoside androsin as active compound preventing allergen and platelet-activating factor induced bronchial obstruction in guinea pigs in vivo (10 mg/kg p.o.; 1 h prior to the inhalation challenge). Histamine release from human polymorphonuclear leukocytes in vitro was inhibited by other compounds yet to be identified.
Diagnostik blasenbildender Autoimmundermatosen an deutschen Hautkliniken
Central activation by histamine-induced itch: analogies to pain processing: a correlational analysis of O-15 H2O positron emission tomography studies
The aim of this study was to identify the functional cerebral network involved in the central processing of itch and to detect analogies and differences to previously identified cerebral activation patterns triggered by painful noxious stimuli. Repeated positron emission tomography regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) measurements using O15-labeled water were performed in six healthy right-handed male subjects (mean age 32 +/- 2 years). Each subject underwent 12 sequential rCBF measurements. In all subjects a standardized skin prick test was performed on the right forearm 2 min before each rCBF measurement. For activation, histamine was applied in nine tests in logarithmically increasing con…