José-ginés Mora

Lifelong Learning Policies in Spanish Universities

Cet article identifie, analyse et mesure la nature et l'importance de l'implication des universites espagnoles dans le secteur de l'education permanente. Les politiques et strategies deployees dans le superieur sont ainsi comparees a celles des pays voisins et les repercussions sur l'enseignement, son contenu (les programmes d'enseignement, les methodes pedagogiques), sa forme (les technologies employees et la certification) et son evolution sont identifiees.

research product

Financing for quality : a new deal in Spanish higher education

In recent years, higher education in Spain has undergone major legal and organizational changes. The number of students and the resources committed to higher education has also grown dramatically in the last decade. After this period of rapid changes, the Spanish Public Higher Education System (SPHES) is launching mechanisms to improve overall efficiency and quality. To meet these objectives, three programs are being carried out: first, a new organization of the teaching system, which aims to make the programs more flexible, varied, of shorter duration and more closely related to social needs; second, a program to assess the quality of university institutions; and, third, a new model to fin…

research product

Market trends in Spanish higher education

Abstract Higher education in Spain broke away from its close dependency on the State in the last decade. In this paper we analyze the steps undertaken by the Spanish higher education system which has allowed market influences to grow in recent years. We analyze the historical framework and legal changes which have facilitated market trends in higher education. We consider the influence of these market trends on the financial and organizational structure of universities. We conclude that, though the steps are still hesitant, market-like elements are increasingly affecting every aspect of higher education life.

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International seminar on university governance and management: An overview

(2001). International seminar on university governance and management: An overview. Tertiary Education and Management: Vol. 7, Governance Seminar Barcelona, June 2000, pp. 91-93.

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Lifelong Learning: international injunctions and university practices

JEAN-PIERRE JALLADE & JOSE´-GINE´S MORAIntroductionThe aim of this article is to elucidate whether the international discourse onlifelong learning (LLL) had any influence on what universities are doing in thisfield. International trends will be examined on the basis of OECD, UNESCO,EU and Council of Europe policy documents. University practice will be based onan enquiry carried out in 28 universities in seven European countries in 1999–2000 in the framework of the project Lifelong Learning and the University,sponsored by the EU/DG 12.Between the international policy discourse and university practice stands thenational layer of policy-making, giving rise to two interesting issues: first, don…

research product

Two Decades of Change in Spanish Higher Education

The 1983 Reforms The current structure of higher education was established by the 1983 University Reform Act, which greatly revised the legal framework of Spanish universities. Formerly completely controlled by the central government, universities have gained in autonomy and now depend more on regional governments. The legal reforms also democratized the internal structure of universities. Power was transferred from the state bureaucracy to university-level governing bodies, including nonacademic staff and students, that have decision-making powers in matters concerning the institution and departments and in electing the rector, deans, and department heads.

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Entrepreneurs, the Self-employed and Employees amongst Young European Higher Education Graduates

We shall analyse the different characteristics of entrepreneurs, the self-employed, and employees in public, private and non-profit organisations, based on a sample of young European higher education graduates. Using graduates’ self-assessment from a survey, several sets of characteristics such as social-demographic traits, educational and occupational experiences and levels of competences are considered. A descriptive analysis shows, first, that graduates who start their own business have different profiles in relation to elements leading to their occupational decision after graduation; and, second, that labour market status achieved by entrepreneur graduates implies relatively more demand…

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Competencias para la innovación en las universidades de América Latina: un análisis empírico

Los egresados universitarios constituyen, en cualquier país, el grupo social que acumula un mayor volumen de capital humano debido a que su trayectoria educativa ha sido más prolongada y ha requerido una fuerte inversión. La premisa de esta investigación es que el potencial de innovación que aportan estos egresados es un determinante fundamental tanto para el éxito en su trayectoria profesional como para la eficiencia total de los sistemas de producción en los distintos países. Para su realización, se dispuso de una amplia base de datos provenientes de la macro encuesta PROFLEX realizada a unos 10 000 egresados universitarios latinoamericanos a la que se ha aplicado una estimación de funcio…

research product

La opinión de los graduados europeos sobre la universidad cinco años después de haber finalizado sus estudios

In today¿s knowledge society, in which university graduates are required to obtain new abilities to adjust to the demands of the labour market, the figure of the ¿flexible professional¿ has emerged. Universities are not immune to these changes and are proposing modifications to the curricula. In this paper, we attempt to depict the views of university graduates regarding their university five years after completing their studies. Information about graduates¿ educational experience is crucial to educational managers in charge of designing curricula and educational policies. The data used in this paper are obtained from the REFLEX Survey.

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Adequate policies and unintended effects in Spanish higher education

Abstract Recent developments in Spanish higher education have been very positive. Universities have become autonomous and are more in tune to regional needs, their internal structure has become flexible, the whole system has become open and accessible, funds have been poured into the system as never before and market forces have started to play a relevant role. Nevertheless, some perverse effects have begun to emerge. We will focus on some of these negative aspects that deserve deeper consideration: the inadequate adaptation to a mass higher education system, and the negative consequences of the collegial model for governing universities and of regionalization.

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Changing returns to education in Spain during the 1980s

We present evidence on returns to education for Spanish employees during the 1980s, a period of remarkable structural transformations. The results show a declining payoff to education between 1981 and 1991 for lower and intermediate educational levels, whereas higher education does not show a reduction in its return. At the same time, earnings inequality by gender declined noticeably as educational attainment expanded. [JEL I21, J31]

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Some facts behind graduate’s entrepreneurship in Europe

As carcterísticas educacionais, motivacionais e econômicas são analizadasnuma amostra de jovens pós-graduados europeus para identifi car os elementos diferenciais do espírito empresarial. Os resultados sugerem, em primeiro lugar, queo gênero e o país de origem são relevantes para a decisão de se tornar um empresário;segundo, que os futuros empresários antcipam as demandas mais elevadasde competência que eles enfrentarão e se comportam consistentemente duranteos seus estudos; e, terceiro, que através do espírito empresarial os pós-graduadosconseguem rendas mais elevadas e situações de trabalho mais satisfatórias do quepor meio de outras formas de participação laboral.

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Higher Education and Graduate Employment in Spain

Presentation et analyse du systeme educatif espagnol en particulier ici, l'enseignement superieur. Les donnees statistiques recueillies sont confrontees aux chiffres du chomage permettant de definir la position des diplomes sur le marche du travail en Espagne.

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The financing of Spanish public universities

The main features of the recent evolution of the Spanish universities are described in this paper. Of the three sets of reforms that are currently in progress (reforms of the teaching process, institutional evaluation and new financing models) we concentrate on the last one, introducing and discussing some proposals for the financing of Spanish public universities.

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