Kari Luostarinen

Managing information security in a business network of machinery maintenance services business – Enterprise architecture as a coordination tool

Today, technologies enable easy access to information across organizational boundaries, also to systems of partners in business networks. This raises, however, several complex research questions on privacy, information security and trust. The study reported here provides motivation and a roadmap for approaching integrated security management solutions in a business network of partners with heterogeneous information and communication technologies (ICT): Systems, platforms, infrastructures as well as security policies. Enterprise architecture (EA) is proposed as a means for comprehensive and coordinated planning and management of corporate ICT and the security infrastructure. The EA approach …

research product

Identity and Access Management for Remote Maintenance Services in Business Networks

Access to information systems across corporate boundaries with high demands to privacy and trust result into ambitious research and development targets. This study provides motivation and a roadmap for approaching integrated security management solutions in a business network of partners with heterogeneous ICT and security infrastructures. We aim at describing specifics of identity and access management in inter-organizational collaboration, and a vision and arguments for identity and access management in a business network. A case study with Metso Paper, Inc., the leading manufacturer of paper machinery and related services, validates the results, thus providing a motivating example of the…

research product

Resource management methods for Qos supported networks

Tietoliikenne- ja tietotekniikan nopea kehittyminen avaa uusia mahdollisuuksia maailmanlaajuisesti toimiville, laitteita toimittaville ja huoltopalveluja tarjoaville yrityksille. Teollisuudessa on lähdetty hyödyntämään uusia etädiagnostiikkamahdollisuuksia, joiden avulla voidaan tarkastella, kerätä ja jopa hallita tehtaiden kunnossapitojärjestelmiä ja erilaisia prosesseja. Näin toteutettu koneen jatkuva seuranta tehostaisi huomattavasti vikojen ennaltaehkäisyä ja diagnosointia. Ongelmien sattuessa vika voitaisiin tunnistaa etäkäyttöohjelmien avulla tarkastelemalla eri parametreja.Kari Luostarinen tutki väitöskirjassaan palvelun laadun takaamista (QoS) ja resurssien hallintamenetelmiä sekä l…

research product