Natascha Drude
Polymeric Nanoparticles: Polymeric Nanoparticles with Neglectable Protein Corona (Small 18/2020)
Influence of Riboflavin Targeting on Tumor Accumulation and Internalization of Peptostar Based Drug Delivery Systems.
Riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) and riboflavin transporters (RFVTs) have been reported to be highly overexpressed in various cancer cells. Hence, targeting RCP and RFVTs using riboflavin may enhance tumor accumulation and internalization of drug delivery systems. To test this hypothesis, butyl-based 3-arm peptostar polymers were synthesized consisting of a lysine core (10 units per arm) and a sarcosine shell (100 units per arm). The end groups of the arms and the core were successfully modified with riboflavin and the Cy-5.5 fluorescent dye, respectively. While in phosphate buffered saline the functionalized peptostars showed a bimodal behavior and formed supramolecular structures over tim…
Polymeric Nanoparticles with Neglectable Protein Corona
Small : nano micro 16(18), 1907574 (2020). doi:10.1002/smll.201907574