Marjaana Nokka
Error Estimates of Uzawa Iteration Method for a Class of Bingham Fluids
The paper is concerned with fully guaranteed and computable bounds of errors generated by Uzawa type methods for variational problems in the theory of visco-plastic fluids. The respective estimates have two forms. The first form contains global constants (such as the constant in the Friedrichs inequality for the respective domain), and the second one is based upon decomposition of the domain into a collection of subdomains and uses local constants associated with subdomains.
On a posteriori error bounds for approximations of the generalized Stokes problem generated by the Uzawa algorithm
In this paper, we derive computable a posteriori error bounds for approximations computed by the Uzawa algorithm for the generalized Stokes problem. We show that for each Uzawa iteration both the velocity error and the pressure error are bounded from above by a constant multiplied by the L2-norm of the divergence of the velocity. The derivation of the estimates essentially uses a posteriori estimates of the functional type for the Stokes problem. peerReviewed
A Posteriori Error Bounds for Approximations of the Oseen Problem and Applications to the Uzawa Iteration Algorithm
Abstract. We derive computable bounds of deviations from the exact solution of the stationary Oseen problem. They are applied to approximations generated by the Uzawa iteration method. Also, we derive an advanced form of the estimate, which takes into account approximation errors arising due to discretization of the boundary value problem, generated by the main step of the Uzawa method. Numerical tests confirm our theoretical results and show practical applicability of the estimates.
A posteriori error estimates for variational problems in the theory of viscous fluids
The papers included in the thesis are focused on functional type a posteriori error estimates for the Stokes problem, the Stokes problem with friction type boundary conditions, the Oseen problem, and the anti-plane Bingham problem. In the summary of the thesis we consider only the Oseen problem. The papers present and justify special forms of these estimates which are suitable for the approximations generated by the Uzawa algorithm. The estimates are of two main types. Estimates of the first type use exact solutions obtained on the steps of the Uzawa algorithm. They show how errors encompassed in Uzawa approximations behave and have mainly theoretical meaning. Estimates of the second type o…
Funktionaalisia a posteriori virhearvioita Uzawan tyyppisille menetelmille kokoonpuristumattomien virtausten tapauksessa
Stokesin yhtälöllä voidaan kuvata nesteiden ja kaasujen liikettä, jos liike on yksiulotteista tai hidasta. Stokesin yhtälö on yksinkertaistettu ja linearisoitu versio Navier-Stokesin yhtälöistä. Tässä tutkielmassa keskitytään kokoonpuristumattomiin ja viskoottisiin nesteisiin ja kaasuihin. Kokoonpuristumattomuus tarkoittaa sitä, että nesteen tai kaasun tiheys ei muutu ajan suhteen. Viskoottisuus taas tarkoittaa sitä, että nesteillä ja kaasuilla on sisäistä kitkaa, joka muodostuu, kun aineen osaset liikkuvat toistensa suhteen. Vaikka osittaisdifferentiaaliyhtälöiden tutkimus on edennyt viime vuosisadalla hyvinkin nopeasti, on analyyttisen ratkaisun löytäminen vaikeaa tai lähes poikkeuksetta …