Hawighorst-knapstein S
The impact of treatment for genital cancer on quality of life and body image—results of a prospective longitudinal 10-year study
Abstract Objective . To evaluate the impact of treatment for genital cancer on quality of life and body image to determine patients' therapy-related needs for quality improvement of medical care before and after surgery. Methods . We started to evaluate women with cervical cancer planned for pelvic exenteration in 1993 and integrated women planned for a Wertheim–Meigs surgery in 1995 before surgery, 4 and 12 months after surgery. Thanks to funding since 1999, more than 400 patients with a diagnosis of genital ( n = 185) or breast ( n = 217) cancer participated in this prospective study until July 2003. In this paper, we will focus on n = 129 women with cervical cancer. The assessment protoc…
Das Körpererleben gynäkologischer Patientinnen vor und nach radikaler Chirurgie
After radical gynecologic surgery women are faced with therapy-induced changes of their body. Since 1995, the body images of women who undergo pelvic exenteration, Wertheim-Meigs-operation or hysterectomy are assessed preoperatively and four and twelve months postoperatively. The aim of this multidimensional prospective study is to get basic information for effective counselling and support. One year after hysterectomy women state to have a normal body image. Cancer patients feel less attractive, less self-confident and more discontented in sexuality depending on therapy-induced changes of their bodies. These women could profit from problem-related preoperative counselling. Postoperative co…
Pelvic Exenteration: Effects of Surgery on Quality of Life and Body Image—A Prospective Longitudinal Study
Abstract Objectives. The goal of this study was to evaluate the impact of reconstructive and nonreconstructive surgical procedures on quality of life and body image for women who undergo pelvic exenteration. Methods. Twenty-eight patients were assessed in a prospective study with a preoperative semistructured interview and an objective assessment (T1). Interviews and questionnaires were repeated 4 (T2) and 12 (T3) months postoperatively. The women were divided into groups with two, one, or no ostomies. A separate comparison was made of women with and without vaginal capacity. Quality of life was defined in terms of five categories according to the definition of health proposed by the World …