Kai I. Parkkola
Effects of operational assessment of the 4:4 and 4:4/6:6 watch systems on sleepiness, fatigue, and stress responses during patrolling on a navy missile patrol boat
The operation of naval vessels involves watchkeeping 24 h per day, which is globally carried out by a variety of different watch systems. In this study, the rotating 4:4 and fixed 4:4/6:6 two-section watch systems were compared in terms of sleepiness, fatigue, and stress responses. The data collection took place on a Finnish Defence Forces' (FDF) Navy missile patrol boat with 15 crew members serving as study participants. The data collection periods lasted two separate weeks (7 days, 6 nights) with the different watch systems. The subjective sleepiness of the participants was assessed before and after every watch using the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS). Stress responses were assessed da…
The Effects of Individual Characteristics of the Naval Personnel on Sleepiness and Stress during Two Different Watchkeeping Schedules
Background: Naval service can have a significant impact on the wellbeing of seafarers, and the operation of warships is highly dependent on the personnel on board. Nevertheless, there is a lack of knowledge concerning the impact of seafarers’ individual characteristics on their wellbeing in a naval environment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate individual characteristics of the naval personnel that may be associated with the amount of sleepiness, fatigue and stress responses experienced during shift work and irregular working hours in a naval environment. Methods: The study took place on a Finnish Defence Forces’ Navy missile patrol boat on which 18 crewmembers served as s…