Risto Heikkinen


Can Physiological and Psychological Factors Predict Dropout from Intense 10-Day Winter Military Survival Training?

Background: In the military context, high levels of physiological and psychological stress together can compromise individual&rsquo

research product

A Quantitative Method for Localizing User Interface Problems: The D-TEO Method

A large array of evaluation methods have been propo sed to identify Website usability problems. In log-based evaluation, inform ation about the performance of users is collected and stored into log files, and used to find problems and deficiencies in Web page designs. Most methods require the programming and modeling of large task models, which are cumbersome processes for evaluato rs. Also, because much statistical data is collected onto log files, recognizing which Web pages require deeper usability analysis is difficult. This paper suggests a novel quantitative method, called the D-TEO, for locating problematic Web pages. This semiautoma ted method explores the decomposition of interacti…

research product

A Bayesian stable isotope mixing model for coping with multiple isotopes, multiple trophic steps and small sample sizes

We introduce a Bayesian stable isotope mixing model for estimating the relative contributions of different dietary components to the tissues of consumers within food webs. The model is implemented with the probabilistic programming language Stan. The model incorporates isotopes of multiple elements (e.g. C, N, H) for two trophic levels, when the structure of the food web is known. In addition, the model allows inclusion of latent trophic levels (i.e. for which no empirical data are available) intermediate between sources and measured consumers. Running the model in simulations driven by a real dataset from Finnish lakes, we tested the sensitivity of the posterior distributions by altering c…

research product

Muuta kirjastoja, muutat yhteiskuntia : IFLA 2018 Kuala Lumpurissa

Vuoden 2018 IFLA konferenssi pidettiin Kuala Lumpurissa, Malesiassa. Paikalle oli kokoontunut reilu 3500 konferenssivierasta yli sadasta maasta. Erilaisia tapahtumakokonaisuuksia oli liki kolmesataa aihekohtaisista sessioista toimielinten tapaamisiin ja lyhyisiin seitsemän minuutin lightning talks -pikaesitelmien kokonaisuuksiin. Lisäksi vielä epäviralliset tapahtumat ja vierailut suuren metropolin kirjastoihin ja nähtävyyksiin täyttivät nopeasti vierailijan kalenterin. nonPeerReviewed

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Flexible Data Driven Inventory Management with Interactive Multiobjective Lot Size Optimization

We study data-driven decision support and formalise a path from data to decision making. We focus on lot sizing in inventory management with stochastic demand and propose an interactive multi-objective optimisation approach. We forecast demand with a Bayesian model, which is based on sales data. After identifying relevant objectives relying on the demand model, we formulate an optimisation problem to determine lot sizes for multiple future time periods. Our approach combines different interactive multi-objective optimisation methods for finding the best balance among the objectives. For that, a decision maker with substance knowledge directs the solution process with one’s preference inform…

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Wau:ta WU:ssa : Liber LAG 2018

Kirjoittajat osallistuivat Liberin arkkitehtuuriryhmän järjestämään liber lag -seminaariin Itävallassa Wienissä 18.- 20.4. Seminaarissa esiteltiin arkkitehtonisiksi maamerkeiksi suunniteltuja vaikuttavia kirjastorakennuksia, mutta joukkoon mahtui myös vanhojen rakennusten uudistusprojekteja. Kautta esitysten punaisena lankana kulki pohdinta siitä, meneekö muoto käyttötarkoituksen edelle (”form over function”) vai voiko arkkitehtoninen maamerkki olla myös käytännöllinen? Seminaari huipentui käyttäjäkokemusten ja –näkökulman korostamiseen: rakennus voidaan suunnitella monumentiksi, mutta tilan tärkein tehtävä on palvella sen käyttäjiä. nonPeerReviewed

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Changes in Body Composition, Energy Metabolites and Electrolytes During Winter Survival Training in Male Soldiers

The aim of this study was to examine changes in body composition, energy metabolites and electrolytes during a 10-day winter survival training period. Two groups of male soldiers were examined: the REC group (n = 26; age 19.7 ± 1.2 years; BMI 23.9 ± 2.7) had recovery period between days 6 and 8 in the survival training, whereas the EXC group (n = 42; age 19.6 ± 0.8 years; BMI 23.1 ± 2.8) did not. The following data were collected: body composition (bioimpedance), energy balance (food diaries, heart rate variability measurements), and biomarkers (blood samples). In survival training, estimated energy balance was highly negative: −4,323 ± 1,515 kcal/d (EXC) and −4,635 ± 1,742 kcal/d (REC). Be…

research product

Energy Balance, Hormonal Status, and Military Performance in Strenuous Winter Training

Severe energy deficit may impair hormonal regulation and physical performance in military trainings. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between energy intake, expenditure, and balance, hormones and military performance during a winter survival training. Two groups were studied: the FEX group (n = 46) had 8-day garrison and field training, whereas the RECO group (n = 26) had a 36-h recovery period after the 6-day garrison and field training phase. Energy intake was assessed by food diaries, expenditure via heart rate variability, body composition by bioimpedance, and hormones by blood samples. Strength, endurance and shooting tests were done for evaluating military perform…

research product

High-Intensity Functional Training Induces Superior Training Adaptations Compared With Traditional Military Physical Training

Helén, J, Kyröläinen, H, Ojanen, T, Pihlainen, K, Santtila, M, Heikkinen, R, and Vaara, JP. High-intensity functional training induces superior training adaptations compared with traditional military physical training. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000–000, 2023—This study examined the effectiveness of concurrent strength and endurance training with an emphasis on high-intensity functional training (HIFT) during military service. Voluntary male conscripts (aged 18–28 years) were placed in either an experimental (EXP: n = 50–66) or a control (CON: n = 50–67) group. The training for the EXP group included HIFT using body mass, sandbags, and kettlebells. The CON group trained according to the cur…

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Linkkilistasta virtuaalikirjastoksi : Internet-aihehakemiston rakentaminen ja ylläpito kirjastossa

research product

Impact or No Impact for Women With Mild Knee Osteoarthritis: A Bayesian Meta‐Analysis of Two Randomized Controlled Trials With Contrasting Interventions

Objective We aim to predict the probability of a benefit from two contrasting exercise programs for a woman with a new diagnosis of mild knee osteoarthritis (OA). The short and long-term effects of aquatic resistance training (ART) and high-impact aerobic land training (HLT) compared with the control will be estimated. Methods Original data sets from two previously conducted randomised controlled trials (RCT) were combined and used in a Bayesian meta-analysis. Group differences in multiple response variables were estimated. Variables included cardiorespiratory fitness, dynamic maximum leg muscle power, maximal isometric knee extension and flexion force, pain, other symptoms and quality of l…

research product

Relationships between psychosocial well-being and leisure time physical activity among 160.000 young Finnish men: a cross-sectional study during 2015–2021

AbstractEvidence on the relationship between psychosocial well-being and physical activity (PA) is insufficient, especially in young adults between 18 and 29 years. Identifying protective factors for psychosocial well-being as well as factors that may promote PA behaviour in this specific age group is crucial.The aim of the present study was to explore the association between self-reported leisure time physical activity (LTPA) and a number of measures of psychosocial well-being in a large sample of Finnish young men. The sample used for this study is based on registers of the Finnish Defence Forces and consist of questionnaire-based data collected from 159,776 young healthy men (18–29 years…

research product

Accelerometer-assessed sedentary work, leisure time and cardio-metabolic biomarkers during one year : Effectiveness of a cluster randomized controlled trial in parents with a sedentary occupation and young children

BackgroundIt is unknown whether reducing sedentary time at work and during leisure time is possible and effective during one year.MethodsOffice workers with young children were recruited for this one-year cluster-randomized controlled trial through kindergartens and primary schools from 7 clusters in the city of Jyväskylä, Finland. After a lecture, face-to-face tailored counseling was used to set contractually binding goals regarding reducing and breaking up sitting periods and increasing light intensity physical activity during work and leisure time. Primary outcomes of total, work and leisure sedentary time (ResultsParticipants from intervention (N = 71) and control (N = 62) regions were …

research product

An mHealth App for Supporting Quitters to Manage Cigarette Cravings With Short Bouts of Physical Activity: A Randomized Pilot Feasibility and Acceptability Study

BackgroundWhile gains in reducing smoking rates in Finland have been made, prevalence rates are still substantial. Relapse rates among smokers engaged in quit-smoking programs are high. Physical activity has been proposed as one means to help smokers manage cravings. Software and apps on mobile phone and handheld devices offer an opportunity to communicate messages on how to use physical activity to manage cravings as part of quit-smoking programs. ObjectiveWe aimed to test the feasibility, acceptability, usability, and preliminary efficacy of an mHealth mobile phone app, Physical activity over Smoking (PhoS), to assist smokers in quitting smoking in a randomized controlled trial. The app w…

research product

Impact or No Impact for Women With Mild Knee Osteoarthritis : A Bayesian Meta-Analysis of Two Randomized Controlled Trials With Contrasting Interventions

Objective: We aim to predict the probability of a benefit from two contrasting exercise programs for a woman with a new diagnosis of mild knee osteoarthritis (OA). The short and long-term effects of aquatic resistance training (ART) and high-impact aerobic land training (HLT) compared with the control will be estimated. Methods: Original data sets from two previously conducted randomised controlled trials (RCT) were combined and used in a Bayesian meta-analysis. Group differences in multiple response variables were estimated. Variables included cardiorespiratory fitness, dynamic maximum leg muscle power, maximal isometric knee extension and flexion force, pain, other symptoms and quality of…

research product

Effectiveness of a Mobile Phone App for Adults That Uses Physical Activity as a Tool to Manage Cigarette Craving After Smoking Cessation: A Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial


research product

Finnish protected area network in a changing climate

Climate change is projected to cause accelerating impacts on species populations, ecosystems and the services they provide. These impacts are often likely to be negative to biodiversity. Thus traditional static nature conservation should be complemented with climate-wise conservation planning perspectives, so that the dynamic changes in species distributions and assemblages will be properly taken into account (Ref. 1). In particular, the ability of Protected Area (PA) network to support viable species populations and representative habitat types and ecosystems under global environmental changes requires urgent examination. In such assessments, it is imperative to consider also the impact of…

research product

A Quantitative Method for Localizing User Interface Problems : The D-Teo Method

A large array of evaluation methods have been proposed to identify Website usability problems. In log-based evaluation, information about the performance of users is collected and stored into log files, and used to find problems and deficiencies in Web page designs. Most methods require the programming and modeling of large task models, which are cumbersome processes for evaluators. Also, because much statistical data is collected onto log files, recognizing which Web pages require deeper usability analysis is difficult. This paper suggests a novel quantitative method, called the D-TEO, for locating problematic Web pages. This semiautomated method explores the decomposition of interaction t…

research product

The underestimated role of winter microclimate for Arctic tundra vegetation

Assessing the impacts of climate change on biodiversity and developing climate-wise conservation planning requires in-depth understanding of the key drivers of species distributions and assemblages. This is particularly important in Arctic environments which will face the most notable climatic changes worldwide. The search for main determinants of biodiversity patterns in high-latitude ecosystems has focused on growing season conditions, but there is increasing amount of evidence suggesting that wintertime conditions can be equally or even more important factors for Arctic biodiversity than summer conditions (1, 2). Yet, large uncertainties exist regarding the role of winter climate in cont…

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Projektin matkassa - JYK:n sivustouudistuksen käänteitä

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Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjaston kotisivut (versio 3.0)

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On helpompaa tehdä täysremontti sivustolle kuin kirjastorakennukselle - mutta oma hommansa siinäkin on

research product

Virtuaalikirjasto palvelee ja kehittyy

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