Dominique Ansel

Collective and Cooperative Behaviour Models

International audience; In modelling residential choice we cannot escape the debate about the effect of societal context on an individual’s decision-making. This debate depends on whether we set more store by the aggregate scale of society or by the individual’s decision-making. An individual-centred approach will focus on the particularities of an individual and the way her past, for example, influences her decisions.

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Parent–professional interviews in child protection: Comparing viewpoints

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Affect, Uncertainty, and Decision-Making

International audience; Decision-making is a complex cognitive process of selecting an action among various alternatives. Everyday life is full of situations calling for multiple decisions: living somewhere, moving home, choosing a route, changing route are all decisions that determine our life setting and way of life. These decisions may have a limited impact or over the longer term may cause slight inconvenience, a fleeting feeling of well-being or deep unease, or possibly even unbearable anxiety.

research product

Préférences, utilité, choix et attractivité

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Preferences, Utility, Choice, and Attractiveness

International audience; The purpose of this chapter is to specify what is meant by preferences, utility, choice, and attractiveness in the context of daily and residential mobility. These notions will be addressed from the angles of economics, geography, and psychology. We are interested in the process of choice leading to a decision and action with spatial consequences, primarily in terms of residential mobility even if factors pertaining to local daily mobility such as modal choice and route choice are evoked.

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Modèles de comportements collectifs et coopératifs

Le choix résidentiel est considéré comme un acte individuel ou celui d'un " mini-groupe " (famille) qui est conditionné par des références collectives. De ce fait, il s'appuie sur des informations (renommée de quartiers, d'une école, accessibilité à des services, commerces ...) mais il contribue également à l'émergence de tendances (préférence de certains modes de vie et de quartiers ...) qui peuvent être à l'origine de flux migratoires. Ces derniers participent à l'émergence de nouvelles configurations spatiales à l'échelle d'une ville, donc de phénomènes macroscopiques. De telles tendances sont donc le résultat d'interactions entre individus et groupe sociaux, entre individus et société, …

research product

Explorer les décisions aux choix résidentiels : une approche méthodologique

International audience

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Deciding where to live

This book proposes, from a cross-disciplinary perspective, an original reading of current work on residential choice and the decisions associated with it. Geographers, social-psychologists, economists, sociologists, neurologists and linguists have worked together in the context of collective research into evaluation, choice and decision-making in the use of urban and periurban spaces. A synthetic outlook has been constructed from these complimentary scientific references. The book, which is designed as a handbook, also provides the opportunity to set out the different approaches to deal with the models which have been developed in this field.

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