Michele Conversano

Preventing and managing herpes zoster: key actions to foster healthy aging

Population aging is the demographic phenomenon characterizing all countries in the world, and it is challenging the national infrastructures, in particular health systems. However, aging itself is not associated with increased medical spending, but disability and comorbidity that affect older individuals are the actual drivers for health expenditures. Therefore, if people age in better health, medical spending may be significantly reduced. Preventative interventions proved to be effective in reducing/preventing disease and disability and often found to be cost effective, include diet and exercise interventions, medications, routine disease screenings, and immunizations. Vaccination can prot…

research product

From epidemiology to public health decision making: analysis on IMD & vaccination strategy in Italy

Abstract Introduction Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD) is one of the most severe vaccine-preventable disease, with high fatality rate and severe sequelae in up to 20% of survivors. MenB, MenC and MenACWY vaccines are available in Italy, but recommendations vary among Italian regions in terms of type of vaccines and targeted age groups. The aim of the study is to describe epidemiology of IMDs in order to provide the best vaccination strategy. Methods IMDs surveillance data in the period 2011-2017 from the Italian National Health Institute were explored. Excel was used to present trend analysis, stratifying by age and serogroups. Results In Italy, during the period 2011-2017, IMDs overall…

research product

Invasive meningococcal disease in Italy: from analysis of national data to an evidence-based vaccination strategy

Introduction. Invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) is one of the most severe vaccine-preventable diseases not yet under control. In Italy, although different anti-meningococcal vaccines are available, their offer among regions is heterogeneous. The aim of this study is to describe the epidemiology of IMD in Italy based on analysis of national surveillance data for 2011–2017 to optimize the vaccination strategy. Methods: IMD surveillance data from the Italian National Health Institute were analysed. Microsoft Excel was used to present trend analysis, stratifying by age and serogroups. Results: In Italy, during the period 2011–2017, the incidence of IMD increased from 0.25 cases/100,000 inhab…

research product

Experts’ Opinion for Improving Pertussis Vaccination Rates in Adolescents and Adults: A Call to Action

This article highlights the importance of diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (with reduced antigen content, dTap) vaccination in preventing pertussis, a respiratory infection that is still widespread and easily transmitted. In particular, it highlights the need to receive a booster vaccination throughout life to maintain high antibody levels, which decrease through time. This document collects the opinions that emerged from the comparison between major Italian experts in the field of vaccination. This working group was created to promote a “call to action”, aimed at raising awareness among all institutions, public health authorities, and health workers involved in the vaccination proces…

research product

Reducing the burden of Herpes Zoster in Italy.

Herpes Zoster (HZ) is a viral disease with painful neuro-dermatologic manifestations. Incidence increases with age. In Italy, the estimated incidence is 6.3 cases/1000 person/year; hospital admissions are less than 2%, 69% in patients aged over 65 years. The most frequent complication of HZ is Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) characterized by metameric pain, allodynia, and hyperalgesia. In Italy 20.6% and 9.2% of HZ patients experience PHN after 3 and 6 months, respectively. Available antiviral and analgesic treatments are relatively unsatisfactory in reducing pain and length of the disease. Prevention has recently become possible with the live attenuated vaccine Oka/Merck. Clinical studies sh…

research product