Alessandro Valenza
Ageing reduces skin wetness sensitivity across the body.
New findings What is the central question of this study? Ageing impairs the skin's thermal and tactile sensitivity: does ageing also induce loss of skin wetness sensitivity? What is the main finding and its importance? Older adults show an average 15% loss of skin wetness sensitivity, with this sensory deficit being mediated by a combination of reductions in skin's tactile sensing and hydration status. These findings increase knowledge of wetness sensing mechanisms across the lifespan. Abstract Humans use sensory integration mechanisms to sense skin wetness based on thermal and mechanical cues. Ageing impairs the skin's thermal and tactile sensitivity, yet we lack evidence on whether wetnes…
Independent and interactive effects of thermal stress and mental fatigue on manual dexterity
Many occupations and sports require high levels of manual dexterity under thermal stress and mental fatigue. Yet, multistressor studies remain scarce. We quantified the interactive effects of thermal stress and mental fatigue on manual dexterity. Seven males (21.1 ± 1.3 yr) underwent six separate 60-min trials characterized by a combination of three air temperatures (hot, 37°C; neutral, 21°C; cold, 7°C) and two mental fatigue states (MF, mental fatigue induced by a 35-min cognitive battery; no-MF, no mental fatigue). Participants performed complex (O’Connor test) and simple (hand-tool test) manual tasks pre- and posttrial to determine stressor-induced performance changes. We monitored part…
Thermosensory mapping of skin wetness sensitivity across the body of young males and females at rest and following maximal incremental running
Key points: Humans lack skin receptors for wetness (i.e. hygroreceptors), yet we present a remarkable wetness sensitivity. Afferent inputs from skin cold-sensitive thermoreceptors are key for sensing wetness; yet, it is unknown whether males and females differ in their wetness sensitivity across their body and whether high intensity exercise modulates this sensitivity. We mapped sensitivity to cold, neutral and warm wetness across five body regions and show that females are more sensitive to skin wetness than males, and that this difference is greater for cold than warm wetness sensitivity. We also show that a single bout of maximal exercise reduced the sensitivity to skin wetness (i.e. hyg…