Gianni Zotti
Neutral and oxidized triisopropylsilyl end-capped oligothienoacenes: a combined electrochemical, spectroscopic, and theoretical study.
This work presents an analy- sis of the structural, electrochemical, and optical properties of a family of triisopropylsilyl end-capped oligothie- noacenes (TIPS-Tn-TIPS, n = 4-8) by combining cyclic voltammetry, spectro- scopic techniques, and quantum-chemi- cal calculations. TIPS-Tn-TIPS com- pounds form stable radical cations, and dications are only obtained for the lon- gest oligomers (n = 7 and 8). Oxidation leads to the quinoidization of the con- jugated backbone, from which elec- trons are mainly extracted. The absorp- tion and fluorescence spectra show par- tially resolved vibronic structures even at room temperature, due to the rigid molecular geometry. Two well-resolved vibronic p…
Magnetic Properties of Quinoidal Oligothiophenes: More Than Good Candidates for Ambipolar Organic Semiconductors?
A series of quinoidal oligothiophenes have been investigated by means of solid-state Fourier-transform (FT)-Raman and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopies complemented with density functional theory calculations. FT-Raman spectra recorded as a function of temperature show that, upon laser irradiation, the molecules undergo a reversible structural evolution from a quinoid-type pattern at low temperature to an aromatic-type pattern at high temperature. Moreover, ESR spectra show that a portion of these compounds exists in a biradical state at room temperature. These seemingly disconnected findings and others, such as conformational isomerism, are consistently explained by the consider…