Reyes Malavé Osuna
Neutral and oxidized triisopropylsilyl end-capped oligothienoacenes: a combined electrochemical, spectroscopic, and theoretical study.
This work presents an analy- sis of the structural, electrochemical, and optical properties of a family of triisopropylsilyl end-capped oligothie- noacenes (TIPS-Tn-TIPS, n = 4-8) by combining cyclic voltammetry, spectro- scopic techniques, and quantum-chemi- cal calculations. TIPS-Tn-TIPS com- pounds form stable radical cations, and dications are only obtained for the lon- gest oligomers (n = 7 and 8). Oxidation leads to the quinoidization of the con- jugated backbone, from which elec- trons are mainly extracted. The absorp- tion and fluorescence spectra show par- tially resolved vibronic structures even at room temperature, due to the rigid molecular geometry. Two well-resolved vibronic p…
FT Raman and DFT Study on a Series of All-antiOligothienoacenes End-Capped with Triisopropylsilyl Groups
minal a positions. These substituents aid in purification and solution processability, and can be removed under mild chemical conditions. For the first time, we have the opportunity to analyze a series of oligothienoacenes to gain insight into the fundamental structure–property relationships with respect to the addition of each ring. Furthermore, this series of compounds can be directly compared to other well-studied series of closely related oligomers, such as nonfused oligothiophenes and fully fused all-syn oligothienoacenes. [7] To gain precise insight into relationships between the structure and properties of a wide range of p-conjugated molecular Herein, we study the p-conjugational pr…