N. Karaouzene
Effects of the association of aging and obesity on lipids, lipoproteins and oxidative stress biomarkers: a comparison of older with young men.
In this study, plasma lipids, lipoproteins and markers of oxidant/antioxidant status were investigated in young (n = 45) and older (n = 40) obese men and compared to those in young (n = 65) and older (n = 55) normal weight controls. The purpose was to determine whether obesity exacerbates or not lipid, lipoprotein abnormalities and oxidative stress in older men. Our findings showed that all obese patients had increased plasma triglyceride, cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, -triglyceride and HDL-triglyceride levels concentrations compared to controls (P < 0.01). However, the younger obese men had relatively larger and accentuated changes in plasma lipids and lipoproteins than the older patients.…
Oxidative stress and maternal obesity: Feto-placental unit interaction
Abstract Objective To determine oxidative stress markers in maternal obesity during pregnancy and to evaluate feto-placental unit interaction, especially predictors of fetal metabolic alterations. Patients and methods 40 obese pregnant women (prepregnancy BMI > 30 kg/m²) were compared to 50 control pregnant women. Maternal, cord blood and placenta samples were collected at delivery. Biochemical parameters (total cholesterol and triglycerides) and oxidative stress markers (malondialdehyde, carbonyl proteins, superoxide anion expressed as reduced Nitroblue Tetrazolium, nitric oxide expressed as nitrite, reduced glutathione, catalase, superoxide dismutase) were assayed by biochemical methods. …
CL046 - Obésité néonatale : Syndrome plurimétabolique et risque athérogène précoce
Objectifs Ce travail consiste a mettre en evidence les marqueurs du risque atherogene et du stress oxydatif chez les nouveau-nes macrosomiques dans le but d’une intervention precoce. Materiel et Methodes Les echantillons de sang proviennent de nouveaunes macrosomiques de meres diabetiques/obeses et de temoins a terme. Sur le sang de cordon et sur le sang preleve a un mois de vie post-natale, les lipides, le pouvoir antioxydant total (ORAC), les activites des enzymes erythrocytaires antioxydantes, les hydroperoxydes et les radicaux carbonyles sont doses par methodes biochimiques; les vitamines plasmatiques A, C et E par HPLC. Resultats Nos resultats montrent que les nouveau-nes macrosomiques…