Bone-to-implant contact of orthodontic implants in humans--a histomorphometric investigation
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the percentage of direct bone-to-implant contact (BIC) of orthodontic anchorage implants (Orthosystem) after active orthodontic treatment. Twenty orthodontic implants (diameter, 3.3 mm; length, 4 or 6 mm) were inserted for orthodontic anchorage in different anatomical regions of 18 adult patients (nine males, nine females) aged 18-63 years. Fifteen implants (one per patient) were placed in the mid-palatal area, one implant (one patient) in the retromolar area of the mandible, one in the retromolar area and the mid-palatal area (one patient), and two (bilaterally, one patient) in the zygomatic area. The duration of the unloaded healing period …