Daniela Petrascu
The Role of Internal Audit in Fraud Prevention and Detection
Abstract This article aims to not just briefly describe the role of the internal audit in the detection of possible frauds, but also to highlight its importance in preventing the commission of frauds in any economic entity. Moreover, the analysis intends to especially point out the advantages that an internal audit can offer to the management of an economic entity and its partners, and to the society as a whole as well. Starting from the premise that auditors are not the adversaries of an entity, one should remember that: the internal audit is a function of assistance offered to the leadership of that entity in order for them to better manage their activities; it expresses judgments on all …
This article aims, through a detailed presentation as to provide clarification for a better understanding of what internal audit definition, objectives, functions and stages of its development mean. It is also exposed a brief history about the emergence and development of internal audit and regulatory framework. I also plan to linking theory and practice by reference to documents used: both the evidence considered and especially those prepared by the auditors in connection with the performance audit and its use in the audit report.
Research and Science Today Supplement 2/2014
In this supplement of Research and Science Today journal are included scientific articles which debate problems from social science fields, engineering sciences fields, legal sciences and medical sciences fields: European borders, social challanges, immigration flows, migration in Europa, syrian refugees in Romania, modernity, cultural identity, Ukraina and Crimeea, financial crisis, constructivist Europe, economic security, democratic regimes, unilateral separation, lobbying for migration policy, naturalism, migrant wave.Research and Science Today Journal is a publication founded in 2011 and it is dedicated to the students of all levels (license, master and doctoral) of faculties in the co…
Dysfunctionalities of Faulty Fiscal Inspections for Tax Payers: The Case of Detachment for Work Reasons
Abstract This article does not merely suggest a short comparison between two completely opposed opinions, that of the fiscal inspectors and that of the specialists (accountants, accounting experts, fiscal consultants) that are hired and/or are contract-bounded staff of a commercial entity, regarding the fiscal status of detachment (an aspect that is regulated by internal and international normative acts). It intends, therefore, to be an analysis on the danger of dysfunctionalities of a fiscal inspection on the activity of the tax payers (or simply put the abridged interpretation of the legislation, in order to attract large amounts of money to the state budget by any means), in order to per…
Money is the blood of the economy. Here is an aphorism validated by historical experience, a historical truth that transcends all ages and all economic and political systems. (Buzatu N., G. Popa, 2003). Since ancient times, people were forced to exchange goods and services, natural conditions, cultural and religious backgrounds, were abundant in some areas and partially or totally absent in others.As a consequence of certain historically determined relations of production, at a certain stage of social development money came as a necessary product of the change process. (Kiriþescu C. Costin, Emilian M. Dobrescu, 1998). The emergence of money required to create specialized institutions to dea…
Risks Management Profile in Local Public Services Administration
Abstract This paper aims improving local public services practices, at least, for our national local communities’ administration. Such possibilities may arise by case study regarding delegated management of a public entity charged with central heating public service, turned in private company. Paper treats local public finance and reveals the risks of defection management and even fraud risk by periodical re-negotiating of significant contracts with related parties and internal controls deficiency. The moral value of case study is economics considerations over legal considerations prevalence by applying principle of correlating demands with resources, not upside-down. Romanian local public …
Analysing the Management of Human Resource in Economic-Financial Fraud Investigation
Abstract The paper addresses certain aspects related to the management of human resources within the operational structures specialized in economic-financial fraud investigation. You can also find discussed and presented the diagnostic analysis of the activities undertaken by the operative works through the SWOT analysis, the analysis of training level and the directions to make more efficient their work.