Fabrizio Hopps
A multi-criteria approach for the group assessment of an academic course: A case study
The present paper aims at proposing a structured methodology to evaluate the results of an academic training course addressed to postgraduate students. The evaluation process intends to identify the efficacy of an education course bymeans of acomparison between the general objectives and the results expected by the students. Since the evaluated aspects by the students, detected by means of questionnaires, are both quantitative and qualitative, the proposed methodology is based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). In order to facilitate the evaluation process, answers have been modelled by means of linguistic variables. In particular, different evaluation scales have been used and each on…
The Employment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Analyzing and Mitigating Disaster Risks in Industrial Sites
Effective safety procedures play a fundamental role in high-risk industrial contexts, because the occurrence of an accident can cause environmental catastrophes, severe damages to the structures, and fatal injuries to the workers. In particular, maintaining detailed and up-to-date information about potential accident areas is a crucial issue to prevent the occurrence of disasters and to safely plan the rescue process. In such contexts, periodic safety inspections are therefore performed on a regular basis, although they may expose the inspection personnel to harsh or hazardous environments. The employment of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in such situations can provide unprecedented opport…
Drone based inspection services in industrial contexts: Risk assessment and market opportunities
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is an emerging technology with the potential of introducing disruptive innovation in a large number of industrial and civil applications. In particular, many studies have highlighted the achievable advantages for “three Ds” (i.e., dull, dirty, or dangerous) missions, which actually represent their natural market niche. A huge potential market in such sense is constituted by high-risk industrial installations including Oil&Gas, chemical, power generation, shipbuilding, etc. where significant improvements can be achieved in terms of safety and ergonomics. This paper proposes a comparison between traditional inspection approaches and innovative drone-based s…
A Dempster-Shafer Theory-based approach to the Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) under epistemic uncertainty: application to the propulsion system of a fishing vessel
Abstract Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a safety and reliability analysis tool widely used for the identification of system/process potential failures, their causes and consequences. When aimed at the failure modes prioritization, FMEA is named Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA). In the latter case, failure modes are commonly prioritized by means of the Risk Priority Number (RPN) that has been widely criticized to have several shortcomings. Firstly, in the presence of multiple experts supplying different and uncertain judgments on risk parameters, RPN is not able to deal with such a kind of information. Therefore, the present paper proposes the Dempster-Shaf…
Il Sistema di Gestione della Sicurezza sul Lavoro (SGSL) sul modello UNI-INAIL ed il Safety Management System (SMS) in ambito aeroportuale a confronto.
In seguito all’emanazione del Decreto Legislativo n. 81 del 9 aprile 2008, l’adozione di un ’SGSL rappresenta una notevole opportunità per le aziende in termini di gestione e contenimento dei rischi aziendali Il presente lavoro analizza e mette a confronto due sistemi di gestione, il Safety Management System, che risponde ad una norma cogente imposta dall’Enac per le società di gestione aeroportuali, ed il Sistema di Gestione della salute e Sicurezza sul Lavoro sul modello delle linee guida UNI-INAIL, mettendo in risalto i diversi punti in comune e i margini di miglioramento di entrambi. Le differenze principali tra i due sistemi risiedono nell’obiettivo che si prefiggono di raggiungere, ne…