M.a. Sarti

Software tools for using a personal computer as a timer device to assess human kinematic performance: a case study.

Frequently, the assessment of the physical condition of a sportsman depends on the evaluation of different tests, based on biomechanical performance. The data acquisition in these tests is usually hand made, because its automatization is difficult. But when movements are constrained by means of their specific nature, simple tools can be used to achieve that data acquisition. In this paper, a simple and inexpensive system is described to make use of the timing capabilities of a personal computer (PC) to use it as a timer, with applications in biomechanics and sport training. The data acquisition method is based on a PC that, using a specific programming dealing with event timing, gets signal…

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Population I Leydig cells of the central part of the Albino rat testicle showed signs of increased but nonspecific activity in the entire series of experimental animals compared with sham irradiated controls (n = 30 in each group) after anterior pituitary stimulation with low incident energy levels of the HeNe laser at 632.8 nm with an incident power at the pituitary calculated as 2.75 ± 0.25 mW. The authors conclude that LLLT applied to the pituitary in the rat model at the parameters used in the present study may have an effect on testosterone production. Further quantitative and qualitative work is required to assess the significance of the increase in activity of type I Leydig cells and…

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Reliable polygonal approximations of imaged real objects through dominant point detection

Abstract The problem of dominant point detection is posed, taking into account what usually happens in practice. The algorithms found in the literature often prove their performance with laboratory contours, but the shapes in real images present noise, quantization, and high inter and intra-shape variability. These effects are analyzed and solutions to them are proposed. We will also focus on the conditions for an efficient (few points) and precise (low error) dominant point extraction that preserves the original shape. A measurement of the committed error (optimization error, E 0 ) that takes into account both aspects is defined for studying this feature.

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Muscle activity in upper and lower rectus abdominus during abdominal exercises.

Abstract Objective: To compare the intensity of the upper versus lower rectus abdominis (RA) muscle activity provoked by each of two different abdominal exercises and to contrast the intensity of contraction elicited by two different abdominal exercises on each RA muscle portion. Design: Nonrandomized control trial. Setting: Kinesiology laboratory in a university medicine faculty. Participants: Convenience sample of 33 healthy volunteers. Subjects who had practiced endurance or strength training activities (1.5 hours 3 days a week for 3 years) and those who had not accomplished that criterion comprised a high and a low physical activity group, respectively. Each of these two groups was divi…

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Actividad elèctrica del músculo recto mayor del abdomen en ejercicios abdominales. Estudio cualitativo

Resum S’ha estudiat en 25 subjectes sans d’un o altre sexe (15 homes i 10 dones) l’activitat electrica deis segments superiors i inferiors del muscul recte major de l’abdomen amb electromiografia integrada de superficie, durant l’execucio de quatre exercicis d’enfortiment abdominal (dos piegaments i dues incorporacions). S’ldentifiquen els segments del muscul amb ecografia, es topografien sobre la pell de [’abdomen i es registra l’activitat electrica en configuracio bipolar, del primer-segon segment (porcio superior) i del tercer-quart (porcio inferior), respectivament. Es descriu l’evolucio simultania de l’activitat electrica entre totes dues porcions durant les fases concentrica i excentr…

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