Valentina Vasta
Effect of dietary condensed tannins on lamb intramuscular fatty acids
Intramuscular fatty acid composition of lambs given a tanniniferous diet with or without polyethylene glycol supplementation.
The aim of this trial was to investigate the effects that dietary tannins have on lamb intramuscular fatty acids. Twenty-seven lambs were divided into three homogeneous groups: control group, receiving commercial concentrate based on maize; tannin group, fed a diet based on carob pulp (45% as fed basis); PEG group, receiving the same diet as the latter with addition of 42g/kg of polyethylene glycol (PEG, a binding agent that eliminates the effects of condensed tannins). The duration of the trial was 45 d. Intramuscular fatty acids were measured in the longissimus dorsi muscle. The isomer cis-9 trans-11 of linoleic acid (conjugated linoleic acid or CLA) and linolenic acid were higher in the …
Alternative feed resources and their effects on the quality of meat and milk from small ruminants
The present paper reviews the quality of meat and milk from sheep and goats offered alternative feeds as a replacement for concentrates. Legume seeds and pods, shrubs, local agro-industrial by-products or novel pasture species are cheap and widely available in Mediterranean countries and are suitable for sheep and goat nutrition. Many of these alternative feed resources (AFR) contain secondary compounds, such as tannins. Tannin-containing feeds result in meat of a lighter colour and tend to increase milk yield and protein content, probably because they protect dietary proteins from ruminal degradation. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content in kid meat can be increased by feeding animals ch…
Effect of feed scarcity and of alternative feeding strategies on ruminants meat quality
Mass Spectrometry-Based sensor analysis of raw meat for the authentication of animal feeding
Effects of tannin-containing diets on small ruminant meat quality
Tannins are phenolic compounds present in several forages, tree leaves and by-products used for small ruminant feeding in the Mediterranean area. Although the effects of dietary tannins on small ruminant growth performances have been largely studied, only in the last ten years researchers have started to study the effects of tannins on meat quality. Meat from small ruminants given tanniniferous diets is lighter in colour compared to meat from animals given the same diets but in which the effects of tannins have been eliminated by the supplementation of polyethylene glycol. This result has been obtained with tannins from different feeds (carob pulp, acacia leaves or sulla fresh herbage). Rec…
Mass spectrometry analysis of volatile compounds in raw meat for the authentication of the feeding background of farm animals.
The authentication of the conditions of animal production, based on the analysis of meat commercial cuts, is a major challenge on both societal and analytical grounds. The aim of the present work was to propose a method for the extraction of the volatile compounds from ruminant raw muscles trimmed of fat and to assess by mass spectrometry-based techniques the relevance of these compounds for the authentication of the type of feeding offered to the animals. The first step of the study consisted of validating conditions of dynamic headspace (DH) extraction of volatile compounds that enabled us to minimize the appearance of heat-induced artifacts and to maximize the richness of the DH-gas chro…
Ruminant fat volatiles as affected by diet. A review.
Volatile compounds in meat have been widely studied for their favourable or undesirable effects on meat flavour, or for their potential use in tracing the animal feeding system. To date, the chemical mechanisms causing the appearance of volatile compounds in meat have been largely understood. Several variables are involved in the accumulation of volatiles in animal tissues and among them animal diet plays a key role. The purpose of the present review is to highlight the effects of different dietary regimes (concentrate, green grass and fat-enriched diets) on the appearance of fat volatile compounds in ruminant meat. Grain-based diets induce greater accumulations in meat of branched-chain fa…