S Battiato
Artificial Mosaics by Gradient Vector Flow
Advanced SVG Rendering of Digital Images
Method for Classifying a Digital Image
ThemeMountain: a SVG-based Visual Data Mining Tool
Advanced SVG Triangulation/Polygonalization of Digital Images
Bezier curves approximation of triangularized surfaces using SVG
This paper presents a technique to convert surfaces, obtained through a Data Dependent Triangulation, in Bezier Curves by using a Scalable Vector Graphics File format. The method starts from a Data Dependent Triangulation, traces a map of the boundaries present into the triangulation, using the characteristics of the triangles, then the estimated barycenters are connected, and a final conversion of the resulting polylines in curves is performed. After the curves have been estimated and closed the final representation is obtained by sorting the surfaces in a decreasing order. The proposed techniques have been compared with other raster to vector conversions in terms of perceptual quality.