F. Cupido
Postoperative laryngeal symptoms in a general surgery setting. Clinical study.
INTRODUCTION: Vocal cord injuries (VI), postoperative hoarseness (PH), dysphonia (DN), dysphagia (DG) and sore throat (ST) are common complications after general anesthesia; there is actually a lack of consensus to support the proper timing for post-operative laryngoscopy that is reliable to support the diagnosis of laryngeal or vocal fold lesions after surgery and there are no valid studies about the entity of laryngeal trauma in oro-tracheal intubation. Aim of our study is to evaluate the statistical relation between anatomic, anesthesiological and surgical variables in the case of PH, DG or impaired voice register. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 50 patients (30 thyroidectomies, 8 videolaparoscop…
Vocal function exercises and vocal hygiene combined treatment approach as a method of improving voice quality in irradiated patients for laryngeal cancers
Introduction: Despite the negative effects of radiation therapy on voice quality is well documented in literature few studies have focused on the efficacy of voice therapy in the irradiated laryngeal cancers population. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of an evidence-based voice therapy, known as Vocal Function Exercises (VFE) in a combined approach with Vocal Hygiene (VH) in improving vocal function in patients who have been irradiated for laryngeal cancers and compared to the results of VH alone treatment. Materials and methods: A prospective, randomized and controlled study involved patients with primary laryngeal cancer treated with curatively intended radiother…
Learning objectives Background Findings and procedure details Conclusion Personal information References
A rare giant Killian-Jamieson diverticulum in a 97-year-old female considerations and multidisciplinary treatments in a symptomatic patient
The purpose of this publication is to describe the clinical and imaging findings of rare symptomatic giant Killian-Jamieson diverticulum (KJD) detected in a 97-year-old female patient and discuss diagnostic and therapeutic protocols to be implemented. The clinical history began implementing anamnesis and physical examination, followed by laryngoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, sonographic examination and subsequently a double-contrast pharyngoesophagram evaluations, to our symptomatic old patient with results of typically KJD, with maximal dimension of 5 cm. The KJD was successfully treated with a surgical approach, esophagomyotomy in addition to a diverticulopexy; these techniques were u…
Salso-bromo-iodine thermal water: a nonpharmacological alternative treatment for postnasal drip-related cough in children with upper respiratory tract infections.
Postnasal drip (PND)-related cough is a very common symptom in patients with upper respiratory tract infections (URTis). At present, there is not a standard treatment for postnasal drip and postnasal drip-related cough. The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the efficacy of a specific salso-bromoiodine thermal water containing hyaluronic acid and grapefruit seed extract (SBI-H-GSE) comparing it with a normal saline solution in children with URTis who refer PND-related symptoms. The study was randomized, single-blind, and controlled. Study group (75 children) was treated with SBI-HGSE and control group (65 children) was treated with a normal saline solution; both compounds were administ…