José María Sanchis
Uvular paralysis after dental anesthesia
Cranial nerve motor effects resulting from intraoral anesthesia are infrequent but well documented. Facial nerve involvement caused by diffusion of the anesthetic solution towards the parotid can give rise to a transient facial motor defect that tends to disappear as the anesthetic effect wears off.1,2 Facial paralysis lasting for several days has also been related to intraoral anesthesia, possibly due to reflex spasm and ischemic neuritis.1,3 One report described a patient with isolated involvement of the chorda tympani nerve following inferior alveolar injection, associated with dysgeusia.4 Ophthalmologic complications secondary to intraoral anesthesia include transient blindness resultin…
Fibroma cemento-osificante mandibular: presentación de dos casos y revisión de la literatura
Presentamos dos casos clínicos de lesiones radiotransparentes mandibulares en mujeres jóvenes, que simularon patología infecciosa crónica periapical. En ambos el hallazgo fue casual puesto que no produjeron ningún tipo de sintomatología. En un caso se llegó al diagnóstico (tras la cirugía periapical y el estudio anatomo-patológico) después de realizar la endodoncia del diente implicado y comprobar la no resolución del área periapical. En el otro caso, cuya lesión abarcaba el periápice de los 4 incisivos inferiores, se realizó directamente la cirugía tras comprobar la vitalidad pulpar positiva de estos dientes. Con posterioridad a la intervención quirúrgica se realizó la endodoncia de los di…
Osteonecrosis of the jaws by intravenous bisphosphonates and osteoradionecrosis : a comparative study
Aims: We analyze the possible clinical differences between bone jaw exposed areas in ONJ (osteonecrosis of the jaws) and ORN (osteoradionecrosis). Patients and method: Group 1 was composed with 53 ONJ cases and group 2 with 20 ORN cases. In both groups we analyzed, the major size of the exposed bone areas, the number of exposed areas, the location on the jaws and the presence of others associated and severe complications, such as skin fistulas and jaw fractures. We also investigated the possible local aetiology or trigger factor of the lesions. Results: The major size of the bone exposed areas was 2.29±2.02(mean ± std.dev) in group 1 and 2.7±2.9 (mean ± std.dev) in group 2 (p>0.05). The num…
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of the maxila
Summary We present a case of a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor [MPNST] of the maxilla corresponding to a 12 year old male who had a painful, ulcerated rapid growing tumor. Histology revealed the presence of a tumor consisting of fusiform cells with abundant mitosis, with negative cytokeratins, actin, desmin, myoglobin and factor VIII. In contrast, the protein S-100 was positive. MPNST was not associated with signs of Neurofibromatosis Type 1. The patient was surgically intervened and received radiotherapy, then died within 10 months posterior to surgical intervention after suffering recurrence.
Bifid mandibular canal.
Abstract Purpose: To determine the incidence and characteristics of bifid mandibular canals. Methods: A retrospective study was performed using panoramic radiographs of 2012 patients subjected to dental treatment in the Dental Clinic of the Valencia University Dental School (Valencia, Spain) between 1996 and 1999. The goal was to investigate the presence of double mandibular canals. Results: The extraoral panoramic radiographs revealed a total of 7 images suggestive of bifid canals. Mandibular computed tomography revealed the existence of this anatomic variant in 2 of 3 patients. An analysis was performed on the incidence of this type of image in extraoral panoramic radiography, its possibl…
Placement of endosseous implants in patients with oral epidermolysis bullosa.
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of placing endosseous implants in patients with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. This article reports on 4 patients subjected to follow-up. Study Design: Implants were placed in 4 cases. All patients have marked oral involvement, with devastating alterations in the soft and hard tissues in all cases. Results: A total of 15 implants (7 maxillary, 8 mandibular) were placed. All implants integrated successfully and have been restored. The average follow-up from implant placement was 2.5 years (range, 1-4). Conclusions: Our preliminary findings suggest that endosseous implants can be successfully placed and can provide support for prost…
Manifestaciones orales en la histiocitosis crónica diseminada: presentación de 10 casos
La histiocitosis crónica diseminada es una enfermedad sistémica por proliferación tumoral de células histiocitarias tipo Langerhans. Su etiología y patogenia no esta del todo aclarada y las manifestaciones clínicas se producen por acúmulos e infiltrados de este tipo celular en los tejidos y órganos. Presentamos 10 pacientes, seis niños y cuatro niñas, con histiocitosis crónica diseminada. La edad de aparición de la enfermedad varió desde los 4 meses hasta los 3'2 años, con una edad media de 1'7 años. Todos los pacientes presentaron lesiones orales y en 5 de ellos éstas fueron la manifestación inicial de la enfermedad. Las alteraciones más frecuentes fueron: sangrado gingival (7 casos), afta…
Tercer molar mandibular ectópico en región subcondilar: caso clínico y revisión de la literatura
ResumenLa impactación de terceros molares en la región condilar es muy inusual. Este artículo describe el caso de cordal incluido en región subcondilar en una mujer que refirió dolor inespecífico hemifacial y varios episodios de tumefacción. Se describe el manejo quirúrgico de estas inclusiones y se realiza una revisión bibliográfica.AbstractEctopic impaction of the mandibular third molar in the condylar region is an extremely rare condition. This report describes a case of an impacted tooth in the sub-condylar region in a woman with hemifacial discomfort and recurrent swelling. A description of the surgical management of this pathology is given as well as a literatura review.