Fabio Camacho
Fibroma cemento-osificante mandibular: presentación de dos casos y revisión de la literatura
Presentamos dos casos clínicos de lesiones radiotransparentes mandibulares en mujeres jóvenes, que simularon patología infecciosa crónica periapical. En ambos el hallazgo fue casual puesto que no produjeron ningún tipo de sintomatología. En un caso se llegó al diagnóstico (tras la cirugía periapical y el estudio anatomo-patológico) después de realizar la endodoncia del diente implicado y comprobar la no resolución del área periapical. En el otro caso, cuya lesión abarcaba el periápice de los 4 incisivos inferiores, se realizó directamente la cirugía tras comprobar la vitalidad pulpar positiva de estos dientes. Con posterioridad a la intervención quirúrgica se realizó la endodoncia de los di…
Influence of plasma cleaning procedure on the interaction between soft tissue and abutments: a randomized controlled histologic study
Introduction Plasma application can lead to an improved adhesion between soft tissue and abutments and promotes cell spreading. Objective A triple-blinded randomized controlled clinical trial was performed to in vivo test the effect of cleaning abutment titanium surfaces with plasma of argon on cell adhesion and collagen fiber orientation at an early healing time. Material and methods Thirty healthy patients with 30 submerged implants, at the second surgery, randomly received either a specially designed abutment with no additional treatment (as they come from industry; control group, G1) or cleaned by plasma of argon (test group, G2). Two weeks thereafter, a small biopsy including abutment …
Use of buccal fat pad to repair post-extraction peri-implant bone defects in the posterior maxilla: a preliminary prospective study
Background: Extensive literature exists about the use of the BFP in the treatment of oral defects but, to our knowledge, no article refers to the use of the BFP as a substitute of the membrane barriers for treatment of peri- implant bone defects. The aim was to evaluate the use of the buccal fat pad as a coating material for bone grafting in the peri-implant bone defect regeneration of immediate implants placed in the posterior maxilla. Material and Methods: A preliminary prospective study of patients involving immediate implants in which the buccal fat pad was used as a coating material to peri-implant bone defects was carried out. The outcome measures assessed were: postoperative pain and…
Modified LEAD System distractor to prevent tilting during alveolar distraction in the mandibular symphyseal region
This report describes a simple modification of the LEAD System distractor that prevents tilting of the distractor rod, and consequent deviation of distraction direction, during alveolar distraction in the mandibular symphysis region.