Dag Ove Granås Hovdal
Students’ experiences and learning in physical education
Rorty’s philosophical pragmatism, which inspired this thesis, states that ‘… our responsibilities are exclusively toward other human beings, not toward “reality”’ (Rorty & Engel, 2007, p. 41). The Norwegian education programme indicates, through its values, that the school shall help students to live, learn and work together in a complex present time and when meeting with an unknown future (UDIR, 2019b). In accordance, the present thesis does not try to reveal any intrinsic reality, but to create knowledge that is useful in teachers’ and students’ everyday lives, both within and outside PE lessons. To produce such knowledge concerning students’ experiences and learning in physical education…
Understanding disruptive situations in physical education : Teaching style and didactic implications
Several studies have emphasized the importance of handling disruptive situations in the physical education (PE) learning environment; however, few have investigated complex disruptive situations in PE and included both teacher and student perspectives. The aims of this study, which discusses an alternative teaching style for reducing disruptive situations, were to gain a better understanding of student and teacher experiences of complex disruptive situations in PE, and to explore how the teacher handled these situations. The philosophical perspective used in this study was Rorty’s philosophical pragmatism. Methods included written narratives, interviews, observation, and video recordings o…
Students’ experiences and learning of social inclusion in team activities in physical education.
Physical education (PE) can be a context in which students are ‘educated through the physical’, which includes the possibility to learn social inclusion as an important life skill and contributor to the greater good of society. A key goal in the Norwegian educational system is that such positive life skills become internalised in students. The aims of this study were to understand students’ experiences of and behaviour towards social inclusion – such as passing the ball – in team activities and how the teacher facilitated the learning of social inclusion. We use Dewey’s pedagogical perspective on education, and Johnson and Johnson’s cooperative learning model to discuss possible consequenc…