R. Martorana
Integrated hydrogeochemical and geophysical surveys for a study of sea-water intrusion
The CFTA Department of the University of Palermo in collaboration with ARPA SICILIA has carried out a study of the sea intrusion phenomenon in the aquifer between the cities of Marsala and Mazara del Vallo (south-western Sicily) using geophysical techniques (TDEM, ERT and MASW) and geochemical analysis of well water. The aim of the research was to optimize the acquisition techniques, data processing and data interpretation for the geometry reconstruction of aquifers, their characterization, and the determination of concentration of pollutants. The analysis of the geophysical results reveals the existence of very low resistivity values in correspondence of the area from the coastline to a ki…
Low-cost remotely operated underwater and unmanned aerial vehicles: New technologies for archaeo-geophysics
In this paper we present a device for magnetic survey devoted in particular for archaeological purposes. The device is able to perform accurate measurements of the total magnetic field, it is a flexible device, programmable by the users to be suitable for any specific need. The device relies upon microcontroller, a digital three axes Fluxgate magnetometer, a GPS, and a Real Time Clock (RTC) module. The device is compact and lightweight to be assembled on aerial and marine drones. Recently, Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) gained great potential for archaeo-geophysics because of their versatility and low cost, therefore the magnetometer represents a very us…
A la recerca del temple d’August a Tarragona: una experiència entre arqueologia i geofísica
Aplicació de diferents tècniques de prospecció geofísica aplicades al subsòl de la Catedral de Tarragona: tomografia de resistivitat elèctrica (ERT), cartografia de conductivitat (EM) i radar de subsòl (GPR).
Integrated archaeological and geophysical survey for searching the roman temple of Augustus in Terragona, Spain
L’Osservatorio delle acque del Dipartimento dell’Acqua e dei Rifiuti (DAR) della Regione Siciliana e l’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Sezione di Palermo hanno attivato un accordo di collaborazione che prevede l’effettuazione di attività finalizzate alla redazione del “Piano di gestione delle Acque” della Regione Siciliana per numerosi bacini idrogeologici del territorio siciliano attraverso la definizione di modelli concettuali da sviluppare, previo approfondimento del quadro conoscitivo esistente, con l’effettuazione di indagini geologiche, idrogeologiche, geofisiche, idrogeochimiche ed isotopiche. In questo contesto, è stato analizzato il corpo idrico sotterraneo della f…
GPR investigations at San Nicolò Church: a case-study from the 1669 eruption in the old settlement of Misterbianco (Etna, Sicily)
Misterbianco, located on the southern slope of Mt. Etna (eastern Sicily), was destroyed in the past by two catastrophic events that raised the old town to the ground. The first was the great eruption of 1669, whose lava front buried dozens of villages encountered along its path, entirely destroying the architectural heritage of Etna's southern flank. The second event was the disastrous 1693 Val di Noto earthquake, which caused major destruction throughout south-eastern Sicily, also damaging the few still standing buildings in the town. The GPR survey performed at this site, 350 years after the eruption, allowed a first attempt of planimetric reconstruction of the San Nicolo Church. Starting…