S David
Expression of heat shock proteins in bladder cancers
La diminuzione di espressione di Hsp60 e Hsp10 è associata a carcinogenesi epiteliale bronchiale in fumatori con BPCO
HSP60 and HASP10 overexpression in metastatic colon cancer
The aim of this work is to analyze the state of the art of temporo-mandibular joint (MJ) to understand the varoius stage of the development of the same during embryogenesis. Various theories have been analyzed, such as the formation of apoptotic or the important role of growth factors, or the Valencia et studies in which are analyzed to numerous articular diseases in various stage of development. By the aforementioned studies show that many factors, of a different nature, are to be involved in the prenatal developlment of this important joint.
ANP and CD34 Expression in Human Dilated Cardiomiophaties: a new insight.
HSP60 and HSP10 overexpression in metastastic colon cancer
CT-Densitometrie zur Analyse der statischen Druckvolumenkurve der Lunge bei experimentell induziertem Lungenschaden
Purpose: To study quantitative changes of lung density distributions when recording in- and expiratory static pressure-volume curves by single slice computed tomography (CT). Materials und Methods: Static in- and expiratory pressure volume curves (0 to 1000ml, increments of 100ml) were obtained in random order in 10 pigs after induction of lung damage by saline lavage. Simultaneously, CT acquisitions (slice thickness 1 mm, temporal increment 2 s) were performed in a single slice (3 cm below the carina). In each CT image lung segmentation and planimetry of defined density ranges were achieved. The lung density ranges were defined as: hyperinflated (-1024 to -910 HU), normal aerated (-910 to …