Michele Mattera
Molecular nanostructures on ferromagnetic metals for spintronics
El objetivo principal de esta tesis ha sido el estudio de la funcionalización de superficies ferromagnéticas mediante la formación de monocapas moleculares autoensambladas, (SAMs, self-assembled monolayers) con el fin de conseguir procesos sencillos y fiables para la preparación de interfaces híbridas aplicables en dispositivos de espintrónica molecular. La investigación se ha centrado en la funcionalización de materiales ferromagnéticos, concretamente el cobalto y la aleación de níquel:hierro conocida como Permalloy. Las propiedades magnéticas y de polarización de espín de estos metales ferromagnéticos se mantienen a temperatura ambiente, lo que los hace muy interesantes para su aplicación…
Spontaneous growth of 2D coordination polymers on functionalized ferromagnetic surfaces
2D coordination polymers grow spontaneously on reactive surfaces due to surface oxidation. The growth process is observed in real time.
Self-assembled monolayers on a ferromagnetic permalloy surface.
Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are nowadays broadly used as surface protectors or modifiers and play a key role in many technological applications. This has motivated the study of their formation in all kind of materials; however, and despite the current interest in molecular spintronics, the study of SAMs on ferromagnetic surfaces remains almost unexplored. In this paper, we report for the first time a methodology for the formation of SAMs of n-alkylphosphonic acids on permalloy in ambient conditions. The formed monolayers have been fully characterized by means of contact angle measurements, atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, matrix assisted laser desorption ioniz…
Bottom‐Up Fabrication of Semiconductive Metal-Organic Framework Ultrathin Films
Though generally considered insulating, recent progress on the discovery of conductive porous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) offers new opportunities for their integration as electroactive components in electronic devices. Compared to classical semiconductors, these metal-organic hybrids combine the crystallinity of inorganic materials with easier chemical functionalization and processability. Still, future development depends on the ability to produce high-quality films with fine control over their orientation, crystallinity, homogeneity, and thickness. Here self-assembled monolayer substrate modification and bottom-up techniques are used to produce preferentially oriented, ultrathin, con…