A. M. Giuliani
The polyelectrolytes and the Hofmeister series of anions: polyGC chemical denaturation in aqueous solution
Sodium ion distribution in the vitreous body
We have studied the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation behavior, and thus the dynamic properties, of the sodium ion in the vitreous body at different temperatures. The 23Na NMR spectrum exhibits a resonance, the intensity of which accounts for an ion visibility of 100%. The 23Na longitudinal and transverse relaxation times, at all temperatures but the highest, present two components, suggesting that the sodium ions are present in two states of different mobility, whose populations are in slow exchange on the NMR time scale. The correlation times and quadrupole coupling constants for the two sodium pools have been derived. The faster relaxation of a fraction of the vitreal sodium ha…
Cationic microemulsion hosting polynucleotides: Effect of NaCl on host and guest
The structural features of the quaternary water-in-oil microemulsion CTAB/n-hexane/n-pentanol/water in the presence of fairly high concentrations of NaCl and of relatively high molecular weight polynucleotides have been determined. Even in these severe conditions, the hosting system can still be depicted as formed by water droplets stabilised by a surfactant/cosurfactant layer. Moreover, the time stability of the host/guest system has been evaluated and the phase behaviour of the hosting system in the presence of increasing concentrations of NaCl determined.