Sara Vitoria Estruch
Neuropsychological and psychophysiological profile of intimate partner violence perpetrators men: the role of alcohol
La violencia contra la mujer en las relaciones de pareja hombre-mujer, representa un grave problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. En los últimos años, una mayor evidencia científica sustenta la relación entre la violencia contra la mujer y el consumo de alcohol. Sin embargo, existe un vacío en la literatura sobre los efectos que ejerce el consumo de alcohol sobre las variables neuropsicológicas y psicofisiológicas en los hombres que han cometido violencia contra la mujer. El consumo de alcohol podría predisponer a los agresores a presentar alteraciones cognitivas que afecten a su regulación emocional y comportamental y, por tanto, predisponer a conductas violentas en situaciones estresa…
The Role of Mental Rigidity and Alcohol Consumption Interaction on Intimate Partner Violence: A Spanish Study
ABSTRACTIntimate partner violence (IPV) has often been linked to alcohol consumption. Alcohol abuse affects cognitive processing through its effects on the prefrontal cortex, generating influence in mental rigidity (MR). This study analyzes the influence of MR as a predisposing factor to violence. The sample consisted of 136 men with a history of IPV. Participants with high MR had lower empathy and perception of the severity of IPV, and higher alcohol consumption and hostile sexism than participants with lower MR. These results should be considered in the development of prevention and intervention programs with the goal of increasing their effectiveness.