Santa Neimane

The effect of wood ash application on growth, leaf morphological and physiological traits of trees planted in a cutaway peatland

Management of cutaway peatlands is a key issue in many countries. Whilst afforestation has been considered as a suitable after use option for cutaway peatlands, growing conditions after peat harvest are often adverse. To increase soil fertility and neutralise soil acidity, wood ash, an energy production by-product, can be used. In this study, we examined whether wood ash fertiliser affects growth (survival, height, root collar diameter), leaf morphological (mass, specific leaf area, leaf water content) and physiological traits (chlorophyll concentration, fluorescence parameters, photosynthetic and transpiration rate) of planted deciduous trees in a cutaway peatland in the central part of La…

research product

Gaismas spektrālā sastāva ietekme uz Betula pendula un Fagus sylvatica lapu sadalīšanos novecošanas procesā

Nepastāvīgo meteoroloģisko apstākļu dēļ arvien grūtāk kļūst paredzēt izmaiņas barības vielu aprites ciklos un kā tie var reaģēt uz klimata pārmaiņām. Viens no būtiskākajiem procesiem šajos ciklos ir organiskā materiāla sadalīšana, jo tā nodrošina primāros producentus ar barības vielām. Ir zināms, ka fotodegradācija dažās ekosistēmās ir svarīgs faktors, kas kontrolē augu materiāla sadalīšanos, bet citās tās nozīmība nav novērtēta vai pat apsvērta. Pilnībā nav izprasti galvenie faktori, kas šo procesu ietekmē, un kā gaismas spektrs ietekmē augu materiālu ar morfoloģiskām un bioķīmiskām atšķirībām. Lai novērtētu gaismas spektra ietekmi uz fotodegradāciju, tika izmantotas lapas dažādās novecoša…

research product

Ultraviolet radiation accelerates photodegradation under controlled conditions but slows the decomposition of senescent leaves from forest stands in southern Finland

Depending on the environment, sunlight can positively or negatively affect litter decomposition, through the ensemble of direct and indirect processes constituting photodegradation. Which of these processes predominate depends on the ecosystem studied and on the spectral composition of sunlight received. To examine the relevance of photodegradation for litter decomposition in forest understoreys, we filtered ultraviolet radiation (UV) and blue light from leaves of Fagus sylvatica and Bettda pendula at two different stages of senescence in both a controlled-environment experiment and outdoors in four different forest stands (Picea abies, Pagus sylvatica, Acer platanoides, Betula pendula). Co…

research product

UV-screening and springtime recovery of photosynthetic capacity in leaves of Vaccinium vitis-idaea above and below the snow pack

International audience; Evergreen plants in boreal biomes undergo seasonal hardening and dehardening adjusting their photosynthetic capacity and photoprotection; acclimating to seasonal changes in temperature and irradiance. Leaf epidermal ultraviolet (UV)-screening by flavonols responds to solar radiation, perceived in part through increased ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation, and is a candidate trait to provide cross-photoprotection. At Hyytiälä Forestry Station, central Finland, we examined whether the accumulation of flavonols was higher in leaves of Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. growing above the snowpack compared with those below the snowpack. We found that leaves exposed to colder temperature…

research product