Lelde Lāce


Neuzmanība kā vainas forma

Bakalaura darbā „Neuzmanība kā vainas forma”, tiks apskatīta vainas institūta vēsturiskā attīstība, uzsverot vainas formu – neuzmanība. Vainas jēdziena saturu Krimināllikumā veido divas formas, proti, nodoms un neuzmanība, lai tos nošķirtu nepieciešams vērtēt personas psihisko attieksmi pret nodarījuma objektīvo pusi. Darba mērķis ir padziļināti izpētīt vainas institūtu krimināltiesībās, pievēršot uzmanību vienai no vainas formām – neuzmanībai –, kā arī tās norobežošanai no citiem vainas veidiem, pareizai vainas kvalifikācijas noteikšanai, izdarot secinājumus un izvirzot priekšlikumus. Darbā tiks apskatīti neuzmanības veidi, proti noziedzīga pašpaļāvība un noziedzīga nevērība, kā arī tiks s…

research product

Application of Graph Clustering and Visualisation Methods to Analysis of Biomolecular Data

In this paper we present an approach based on integrated use of graph clustering and visualisation methods for semi-supervised discovery of biologically significant features in biomolecular data sets. We describe several clustering algorithms that have been custom designed for analysis of biomolecular data and feature an iterated two step approach involving initial computation of thresholds and other parameters used in clustering algorithms, which is followed by identification of connected graph components, and, if needed, by adjustment of clustering parameters for processing of individual subgraphs.

research product

Boolean Functions with a Low Polynomial Degree and Quantum Query Algorithms

The complexity of quantum query algorithms computing Boolean functions is strongly related to the degree of the algebraic polynomial representing this Boolean function. There are two related difficult open problems. First, Boolean functions are sought for which the complexity of exact quantum query algorithms is essentially less than the complexity of deterministic query algorithms for the same function. Second, Boolean functions are sought for which the degree of the representing polynomial is essentially less than the complexity of deterministic query algorithms. We present in this paper new techniques to solve the second problem.

research product

Postselection Finite Quantum Automata

Postselection for quantum computing devices was introduced by S. Aaronson[2] as an excitingly efficient tool to solve long standing problems of computational complexity related to classical computing devices only. This was a surprising usage of notions of quantum computation. We introduce Aaronson's type postselection in quantum finite automata. There are several nonequivalent definitions of quantumfinite automata. Nearly all of them recognize only regular languages but not all regular languages. We prove that PALINDROMES can be recognized by MM-quantum finite automata with postselection. At first we prove by a direct construction that the complement of this language can be recognized this …

research product

ViziQuer: A Web-Based Tool for Visual Diagrammatic Queries Over RDF Data

We demonstrate the open source ViziQuer tool for web-based creation and execution of visual diagrammatic queries over RDF/SPARQL data. The tool supports the data instance level and statistics queries, providing visual counterparts for most of SPARQL 1.1 select query constructs, including aggregation and subqueries. A query environment can be created over a user-supplied SPARQL endpoint with known data schema (a data schema exploration service is available, as well). There are pre-defined demonstration query environments for a mini-university data set, a fragment of synthetic similar to reality hospital data set, and a variant of Linked Movie Database RDF data set.

research product

Schema-Backed Visual Queries over Europeana and Other Linked Data Resources

We describe and demonstrate the process of extracting a data-driven schema of the Europeana cultural heritage Linked data resource (with actual data classes, properties and their connections, and cardinalities) and application of the extracted schema to create a visual query environment over Europeana. The extracted schema information allows generating SHACL data shapes describing the actual data endpoint structure. The schema extraction process can be applied also to other data endpoints with a moderate data schema size and a potentially large data triple count, as e.g., British National Bibliography Linked data resource.

research product

Schema-Based Visual Queries over Linked Data Endpoints

We present the option to use the schema-based visual query tool ViziQuer over realistic Linked Data endpoints. We describe the tool meta-schema structure and the means for the endpoint schema retrieval both from an OWL ontology and from a SPARQL endpoint. We report on a store of the endpoint-specific schemas and the options to support the schema presentation to the end-user both as a class tree within the environment and as external visual diagram.

research product

Kvantu vaicājošie algoritmi

Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus

research product

ViziQuer: A Visual Notation for RDF Data Analysis Queries

Visual SPARQL query notations aim at easing the RDF data querying task. At the current state of the art there is still no generally accepted visual graph-based notation suitable to describe RDF data analysis queries that involve aggregation and subqueries. In this paper we present a visual diagram-centered notation for SPARQL select query formulation, capable to handle aggregate/statistics queries and hierarchic queries with subquery structure. The notation is supported by a web-based prototype tool. We present the notation examples, describe its syntax and semantics and describe studies with possible end users, involving both IT and medicine students.

research product