Eva Lo Franco
Basic Statistical Techniques
Indagine campionaria sulla formazione in materia di Qualità nelle università italiane.
TESF Methodology for Statistics Education Improvement
The need for universities to achieve excellence in the services they provide has been the subject of research for several decades. The idea of involving students and recognizing the importance of their opinions has led to the creation of various models and tools. This paper focuses on teaching, a central service from which improvement actions of an academic institution should always begin. The article reviews and updates the previously developed Teaching Experiments and Student Feedback methodology. The methodology, which is primarily addressed to statistics teachers, allows practical aspects to be organized and decisions to be made based on data that has been collected from students and sc…
Corporate social responsability. A survey of Italian Sa 8000 certified companies
Public versus private transportation choice. A regional survey on needs and perceived quality
Basic Managerial Techniques
Design and analysis of teaching experiments for course quality in the academic setting
Statistical and managerial techniques for Six Sigma methodology. Theory and Application
Advanced Statistical Techniques
Corporate Social Responsibility: a survey of SA8000 Italian certified companies
I sistemi Qualità nell'organizzazione militare italiana: punti di forza e aree di miglioramento
Teaching Experiments and Student Feedback
Quality education in Italian universities: the state of the art.
Indagine sui bisogni informativi nei trasporti extraurbani siciliani
Identification of Quality indicators in Health Care: an experience in Mental retardation and Brain ageing departments.
Enhanced TESF methodology for course excellence
The need to achieve the excellence in services provided by a University has been object of study and research for several decades. Often, the focus is not only on the education service, but on several satellite services provided by a university. This article focuses on teaching, considered as a central service, believing (the authors) that the improvement actions of an academic institution should always start from this service. The work proposes the implementation of a tool able to measure student perceptions on certain selected aspects of the course. This tool is part of the Teaching Experiment and Student Feedback (TESF) methodology previously developed by the authors. Here, the steps to …
Un metodo per la misurazione della qualità percepita di una attività didattica
Training and Selfassessment needs of the school manager.
Corporate Social Responsibility: A Survey of the Italian SA8000 Certified Companies
Today’s society requires companies to act more and more effectively for the general good, by respecting human rights and the environment. Innovative and enlightened companies try to meet this need through the adoption of several initiatives. Accordingly, the International Standard Organisation is now working on attempts to unify these initiatives and to formulate an internationally recognised standard, providing guidance to companies on social responsibility. Currently the SA8000 international standard is the most often used tool – based on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) philosophy – which guarantees the respect of fundamental workers’ rights. Since 2003, Italy holds the world record…
L'umanizzazione dell'assistenza nel ritardo mentale
A statistical framework for teaching improvement in higher education
Six Sigma Methodology in Action: Selected Black Belt Projects in Swedish Organisations
On the applicability of SA8000 in the Public Sector
Una riflessione pedagogica sulla qualità nel fare scuola-ricerca (Riferimenti bibliografici), in Gaetano Venza(a cura di), La qualità dell'Università. Un approccio psicosociale, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2008 Codice ISBN 13: 9788856802160
How to keep patient case sheet flows under control? A subset of ad hoc indicators and its statistical control in a healthcare organization.
Statistical properties of a new student satisfaction index
Quality of Higher Education is increasingly important in all developed countries. In fact quality and reputation are key elements to control the flow of students at national and international level. The authors have shown that quality of education can be improved through a process of self-assessment of the teaching services and a well studied analysis of the student feedback. In particular a new student satisfaction index was formulated which allows student feedback being summarised and interpreted for a continuous course improvement. In this paper some statistical properties of the student satisfaction index are illustrated, and comparisons with other measures based on Likert scales are ma…
Six Sigma Methodology
Design of a university course quality by Teaching Experiments and Student Feedback (TESF)
Quality of the academic system must be constantly monitored, especially under conditions of growing competition and limited resources. Those who are interested in quality, doing research and teaching on it, should ensure quality of the processes for which they are responsible. Teaching is one of the primary services offered by a university. For it, all fundamental principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) must be valid. In this article the authors propose a methodology for designing the quality of a university course, considered as a basic service of a complex educational system. The methodology is based on the concurrent use of teaching experiments performed by a teacher, and the SERVQU…