María Del Mar Bernabé-villodre
Ecological correlates of Spanish preschoolers’ physical activity and sedentary behaviours during structured movement sessions
From an ecological perspective that understands health behaviours to be the result of interactions between personal, psychosocial and environmental factors, different authors have described patterns and correlations between physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviours (SB) in physical education (PE). However, to our knowledge there have been no systematic evaluations of the PA levels and patterns during structured movement sessions in preschool children in Spain. Therefore, the aims of this study were: (a) to identify the individual, social and environmental factors that influence PA levels and patterns during structured movement sessions; (b) to assess PA and SB levels during these ses…
University experience of a tutorial action programme during the COVID-19 lockdown in teacher training at a Valencian University (Spain)
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is perceived as the worst modern-times pandemic. This entirely new health situation entailed a new challenge to the education system. To our knowledge, the impact of alternative teaching methods derived from the social distancing imposed by COVID-19 on university student perception in teacher education has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to analyse an educative experience developed in a Faculty of Teaching from March 2020 to July 2020 in order to overcome the challenge imposed by COVID-19. A qualitative approach was used for data collection and analysis using four information sources: (a) The final written documents developed by the worki…
The representation of athletes during Paralympic and Olympic Games: a Foucauldian analysis of the construction of difference in newspapers
Our first aim was to evaluate the representation of athletes in the top newspapers in a continental European country during two editions of the Paralympics and Olympics Games (London 2012 and Rio 2...
Experiência universitária inovadora no ensino das habilidades motoras infantis: das salas de aulas da universidade às salas de aula de educação infantil
Resumen La relación entre universidad y aulas de Educación Infantil parece concentrarse durante el Prácticum, y queda en el olvido una posible interrelación del currículo universitario con la realidad educativa en otras oportunidades de la formación universitaria. El objetivo del estudio fue el análisis de la implementación de una experiencia innovadora en el grado de Maestra o Maestro en Educación Infantil, mediante la participación de docentes de Educación Infantil, estudiantes y profesorado universitario. El estudiantado universitario fue dotado de un corpus teórico relativo a las principales perspectivas curriculares sobre la motricidad infantil, en el marco de la asignatura Didáctica d…
Developing creativity through ICT and Music Teachers’ Training: a biographical experience
O texto faz parte de uma investigação qualitativa biográfico-narrativa que temos em curso, e que se processa mediante a obtenção de testemunhos de professores e investigadores que formam professores com o auxílio das TIC de modo a promover as competências de criatividade, colaboração, cooperação e comunicação, entendidas como essenciais para o desenvolvimento de uma educação integral, promotora da sustentabilidade curricular e da cidadania participativa. Neste artigo, damos conta da experiência de uma professora e investigadora, Cristina Arriaga Sanz, que se dedica à formação de professores no âmbito da Educação Musical no ensino superior espanhol, de que salientaremos a relação estreita co…
Barriers and Facilitators to Toddlers' Physical Activity during the COVID-19 Pandemic, as Perceived by Teachers, Principals and Parents: A Challenge for the Early Childhood Educational Environments.
The aim of our study was to explore the barriers and facilitators that teachers, principals, and parents face when adapting to COVID-19 pandemic scenario in terms of promoting toddlers’ physical activity (PA). Thirty-four (20 teachers and principals, and 14 parents) semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted from October 2020 to March 2021. The socioecological model has enabled the identification of barriers and facilitators, some of which are related to the pandemic and others which are not. The main results suggest that upon reopening the ECEC institutions, regarding environmental barriers, educators mentioned the impact on the use of space, and parents, the modification of dai…
Bodies in the early childhood education classroom: a Bourdieusian analysis of curricular materials
To our knowledge, no studies have used Bourdieu's theoretical contributions to frame investigations on how early childhood education (ECE) teaching materials construct body differences in a way that justifies gender inequality. For Bourdieu, the power to classify and grant properties and signs to subjects, does not reside only in the power to impose, but also in the degree to which the vision is anchored within reality. Therefore, the aims of this study is to assess the representation of the body in the curricular materials of ECE classrooms in 10 public centers, by means of quantitative content analysis and to provide, using Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical framework on the construction of th…