Emelie Langemyr Eriksen
Regional industrial restructuring: Asset modification and alignment for digitalization
This paper provides a conceptual framework to understand the innovation‐based restructuring of industries in a regional context. The framework includes how firms create new assets, reuse existing assets, and overcome hampering barriers to support innovation processes. The framework also covers how such asset modifications take place at the innovation system level. A core argument is that innovation activity is strengthened and regional restructuring supported when firms’ internal assets are aligned with assets at the regional innovation system level. We illustrate the framework with empirical examples of how digitalization as an innovation process takes place in firms in traditional manufac…
Cluster development and regional industrial restructuring: agency and asset modification
The paper presents a novel theoretical framework to analyse the emergence and growth of industrial clusters. The framework focuses on the role of change agency for the modification of assets that i...
The emergence of new industries at the regional level: alignment of organizational and regional industrial culture
This article provides insights into how and where new industries emerge and grow through theoretical reasoning and the advancement of relevant arguments through empirical examples from industry emergence in two Norwegian regions: the establishment of the boatbuilding and the electronics industry in Arendal; and the cancer medicine and educational technology industry in Oslo. The article focuses on culture as an important asset for new industry emergence. We argue that industry emergence is supported if organizational culture in emerging industries and existing or altered regional industrial culture become aligned. The four industry cases demonstrate how in some situations industries emerge …
I skjæringspunktet mellom digitalisering og kultur : En casestudie av to lokalaviser i Schibsted
Masteroppgave innovasjon og kunnskapsutvikling ME513 - Universitetet i Agder 2019 Denne oppgaven har to hovedformål. For det første å bidra til et teoretisk rammeverk for å studere digitaliseringsprosesser i næringslivet. For det andre å bruke rammeverket til å analysere digitaliseringsprosesser i Lindesnes og Lister avis.Idenne oppgaven har jeg utformet et teoretisk og et empirisk forskningsspørsmål: Hvordan kan teorier om absorpsjonskapasitet, kultur og modifisering av ressurser kobles for å utgjøre et teoretisk rammeverk for å analysere digitaliseringsprosesser i næringslivet?Hva forklarer utfordringene med digitalisering i avisene Lister og Lindesnes?For å få svar på disse spørsmålene h…