A Noto
Serial 2-Point Ultrasonography Plus D-Dimer vs Whole-Leg Color-Coded Doppler Ultrasonography for Diagnosing Suspected Symptomatic Deep Vein Thrombosis
Context Patients with suspected deep vein thrombosis ( DVT) of the lower extremities are usually investigated with ultrasonography either by the proximal veins ( 2-point ultrasonography) or the entire deep vein system ( whole- leg ultrasonography). The latter approach is thought to be better based on its ability to detect isolated calf vein thrombosis; however, it requires skilled operators and is mainly available only during working hours. No randomized comparisons are yet available evaluating the relative values of these 2 strategies. Objective To assess if the 2 diagnostic strategies are equivalent for the management of symptomatic outpatients with suspected DVT of the lower extremities.…
Tiroidectomia con LigaSure TM vs tiroidectomia tradizionale. Nostra esperienza
Nelle ultime decadi la strategia chirurgica delle affezioni tiroidee, sia benigne sia maligne, ha subito dìversi cambiamenti. ln par-ticolare, la tiroidectomia totale è og- gi divenuto l'intervento chirurgico di routine delìa maggior parte delle patologie ti- roìdee. Le complicanze di tale procedura chirurgica, sebbene a eziopatogenesi multifattoriale, sono spesso collegate all'efficacia dell'emostasi. ln questo lavoro, abbiamo voluto verificare se l'impiego del nuovo sistema emostatico LigaSurerM potesse ridurre l'incidenza di tali complicanze, nonché i tempi operatori e i giorni di degenza, rispetto alle metodiche di emostasi convenzìonale. VenÌiòinque pazienti sono stati randomizzali per…
Characterization of a novel three-dimensional outgrowth model of human bronchial mucosa
Recently it has been hypothesized that a reactivation of the epithelial-mesenchymal trophic unit (EMTU) of the respiratory mucosa, caused by extensive epithelial damage, may be responsible for the pathogenesis of asthma. However, most research on this subject so far has been limited by the unavailability of in vitro models correctly mimicking the three-dimensional architecture of the properly differentiated human bronchial mucosa. For this reason, we have developed a novel 3D outgrowth model, obtained from bronchial biopsies and composed of both human bronchial epithelial cells (goblet and columnar cells) and fibroblasts with their basement membrane. Here we present the preliminary data obt…