C. Reverdy
Effect of sensory education on willingness to taste novel food in children.
International audience; As part of 'EduSens', a project aiming to measure the effect of a sensory education program developed in France on the food behaviour of school children, the present paper shows the results regarding neophobia. One hundred and eighty children (8-10 years old) were involved in the study. Half of them (experimental group) were educated during school-time with the 12 sessions of taste lessons "Les classes du go?by J. Puisais. The others served as a control group. Food neophobia was evaluated before and after the education period of the experimental group and once again 10 months later. An adapted food neophobia scale was used (AFNS) and the willingness to taste novel fo…
Effet d'une éducation sensorielle sur les préférences et les comportements alimentaires d'enfants en classe de cours moyen (CM).
Sensory experience of a meal (or mere exposure) can interact with preferences and food behaviour. On the other hand, current campaigns of nutritional information try to modify food behaviours by making people aware of the dangers of over eating and providing guidelines for healthy eating behaviour. Nevertheless, this approach doesn't take into account the pleasure to eat. The project "EduSens" bases itself on a hedonist and sensory approach in taste education that unites exposure to food and information about food. The aim of the study was to first develop tools to evaluate the effects of this sensory education and then to use them to measure the effects of a sensory education in a school c…