V. Bagarello

Changes in soil hydrodynamic parameters during intermittent rainfall following tillage

The changes in the soil hydrodynamic properties following soil tillage were investigated in rainfall simulation trials of intermittent rain at the Masse experimental station (Soil Erosion LABoratory, SERLAB) in central Italy. The experiments were designed to build a database as representative as possible of situations that may occur in nature. The data collected during the experiments were used to determine the saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, Ks, the soil sorptivity at the antecedent soil–water matric potential Ψi, S, and the flow-weighted mean pore size at Ψi, λm. It was also verified if the energy content of total rainfall after tillage explained the short-term temporal variability…

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Height of water pouring effects on infiltration runs carried out in an initially wet sandy-loam soil

Ring infiltration methods are widely used for field soil hydraulic characterization. Establishing factors affecting these methods is necessary to interpret the collected data. The height from which water is poured on the soil surface is known to influence infiltration in a sandy-loam soil, since low (L, height of water pouring 0.03 m) runs yielded higher infiltration rates than high (H, 1.5 m) runs in previous investigations. The impact of water pouring height on infiltration rates seems to vary with the antecedent soil water content, θi. In this investigation, height effects on infiltration were tested for an initially very wet sandy-loam soil. Two-stage infiltration runs differing by the…

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Comparing two methods to perform a beerkan infiltration run in a loam soil at different dates

<p>Performing beerkan infiltration runs with different heights of water pouring could help to obtain saturated soil sorptivity, <em>S</em>, and hydraulic conductivity, <em>K<sub>s</sub></em>, data usable to explain and simulate hydrological processes. However, most of the available information on the L (low height of water pouring, nearly 3 cm) - H (high height, 1-2 m) methodology refers to runs making use of a relatively limited number of water volumes and there is some sign that a few water volumes could yield an incomplete description of soil alteration phenomena induced by wetting. For a lo…

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Monitoring and predicting sediment yield in a small Sicilian basin

Identifying areas of a basin that are most sensitive to erosion have stimulated the study of within–basin variability of the sediment–delivery processes and the use of spatially distributed models. To verify the reliability of a sediment–delivery distributed model applicable at the morphological unit scale (i.e., the area of clearly defined aspect, length, and steepness), experiments were carried out at mean annual and event scales in a small Sicilian basin. A Geographical Information System is briefly presented into which the measurements carried out at the basin outlet (runoff, sediment yield, etc.) and other point and areal information (soil erodibility, digital terrain model, etc.) were…

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Explaining scale effects for runoff and erosion improves our understanding of erosion processes. In this investigation, plot length effects on event runoff per unit area, Qe, sediment concentration, Ce, and soil loss per unit area, SLe, were checked at the Sparacia (Italy) site. The most common result, occurring for the 57-62% of the events depending on the considered variable, was the lack of any scale effect. When scale effects were detected, they indicated that longer plots yielded smaller Qe and SLe values and higher Ce values. Rainfall characteristics did not explain the occur-rence of significant scale effects nor they were able to describe changes in the scaling exponent for Ce and S…

research product

Checking generalization of the USLE-MM in central and South Italy

The USLE-MM estimates event normalized plot soil loss, Ae,N, by an erosivity term given by the runoff coefficient, QR, times the single-storm erosion index, EI30, raised to an exponent b1 > 1. In this investigation, carried out at the three experi-mental sites of Bagnara, Masse and Sparacia, in Italy, the soundness of the USLE-MM scheme with a single exponent for the three sites was tested. The model was parameterized both locally and considering all sites simultaneously. The performances of the fitted models were established by considering all erosive events and also by distinguishing between events of different severity. The b1 exponent varied widely among the three sites (1.05 - 1.44) bu…

research product


Nel presente lavoro viene valutata la potenzialità di accoppiare la USLE con il contenuto d’acqua del suolo pre-evento o il deflusso stimato, per migliorare l’accuratezza della stima della perdita di suolo a scala di singolo evento erosivo. A tale scopo sono stati utilizzati due approcci per i quali la perdita di suolo e il fattore di erosività sono legati da una legge di potenza. Il primo è il modello USLE-MM con deflusso stimato da un modello afflussi deflussi, SCRRM, che importa dati di contenuto d’acqua. Il secondo approccio è quello del modello SM4E che utilizza i dati di contenuto d’acqua pre-evento per correggere il fattore di erosività della pioggia. I due modelli sono stati testati…

research product

Evaluation of Green Roof Ageing Effects on Substrate Hydraulic Characteristics

The vegetated substrate of green roofs may undergo various chemical and physical changes with time. Minidisk infiltrometer (MDI) tests were conducted to assess the short-term variations of the near-saturated hydraulic conductivity, K0, in the extensive green roof test plot established at the University of Palermo. Sampling was repeated four times: before planting (Age 0) and then after four months (Age 1), seven months (Age 2) and ten months (Age 3). A total of 144 infiltration tests were conducted at two pressure heads, h0 = −3 cm and h0 = −0.5 cm and infiltration data analysed by the Zhang (Soil Science Society of America Journal 61(4):1024–1030, 1997) model. Both K-3 and K-0.5 underwent …

research product

Osservazione e modellazione del deflusso sottosuperficiale laterale saturo in un ripido versante naturale

I versanti sono unità morfologiche fondamentali che governano la risposta idrologica dei bacini idrografici durante le precipitazioni più intense. Nonostante la loro riconosciuta importanza idrologica, è ancora necessario condurre approfonditi studi, sia a carattere sperimentale che teoretico, per meglio comprendere i meccanismi di generazione e trasporto del deflusso sottosuperficiale laterale saturo nei versanti. In questo contributo sono presentati i risultati di un monitoraggio di lungo periodo del flusso laterale di falda intercettato per mezzo di una trincea drenante installata su d’un ripido versante naturale nel bacino del Lago di Baratz, Sardegna. I dati raccolti vengono utilizzati…

research product

Comparison of Procedures to estimate Steady Flow Rate in Field Measurement of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity by the Guelph Permeameter Method

Abstract Different procedures for estimating steady flow rate during field application of the Guelph permeameter method were compared in terms of field-saturated hydraulic conductivity K fs and equilibration time t s estimates. The steady flow rate was evaluated by the slope of the linear portion of the cumulative drop in water level in the permeameter reservoir versus time plot (reference procedure) and by approximate procedures that use the first three or four consecutive values of the rate of fall of the water level equal or differing by less than a given percentage. The influence of the selected time interval between two successive readings ( Δt =2 or 10 min) at the permeameter was also…

research product

Parameterization of a comprehensive explicit model for single-ring infiltration

International audience; Comprehensive infiltration models can simultaneously describe transient and steady-state infiltration behaviors, and therefore can be applied to a range of experimental conditions. However, satisfactory model accuracy re- quires proper parameterization, including estimating the transition time from transient to steady-state flow conditions (τcrit). This study focused on improving the estimation of two parameters – τcrit and a second constant called a – used in a comprehensive, explicit, two-term model for single ring infiltration (hereafter referred to as the SA model). Different studies have recommended that a should be as low as 0.45 to as high as 0.91. Furthermore…

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