Vincenzo Cristian Francavilla
Use of Saliva in Alternative to Serum Sampling to Monitor Biomarkers Modifications in Professional Soccer Players
We aimed to investigate the correlation between serum and salivary concentrations of steroid hormones and IgA, and the variation in concentrations of these biomarkers, across a soccer competitive season in a sample of players playing for an Italian major League team. Thirty-five elite male soccer players were recruited and assessed for salivary hormones (cortisol, testosterone, T/C‰ and DHEA-S) and IgA at three different time-points: (t1) after the pre-season period and 16 official matches played; (t2) after a winter break and three official matches played; (t3) 2 days after the final match of the championship and 19 matches played. Players were also tested for blood biomarkers (ser-C, ser-…
Azioni biomedicali della T-thesis in Medicicina dello Sport
Use of nutritional supplement to improve performance in professional soccer players: A case report
The aim of the study was to investigate the intake percentage and the satisfaction level of some nutritional supplements used by professional soccer players. Twenty-nine professional soccer players (age: 24.6 ± 5.2 years, body weight: 79.2 ± 4.9 kg, body height: 1.83 ± 0.05 m) belonging to a team of Serie A were interviewed on: frequency of use, tolerability, and acceptance of the supplements (creatine, β-alanine, whey protein, nitrates, vitamin D3, caffeine) proposed by the nutritionist team. This survey revealed a great inter-individual variability on the intake of the proposed supplements. All respondents (n = 29) said they take cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), 17 out of 29 creatine, 14 out…
Usefulness of QT dispersion in clinical practice
The measurement of QT dispersion in the surface electrocardiogram has been proposed as a non invasive method for assessing inhomogeneity of myocardial repolarization and has been linked to an increased risk of arrhythmic cardiac death. Several studies have evaluated the use of QTd in a wide variety of cardiac diseases and have reached conflicting conclusions regarding its clinical significance.
La pubalgia nello sportivo: quadri RM di “Osteite Pubica"
La pubalgia è una sindrome dolorosa, a volte a carattere invalidante, che colpisce sia gli sportivi agonisti che quelli amatoriali, rappresenta il 2-5% delle patologie correlate all’attività sportiva agonistica e non sempre le sue cause sono facilmente diagnosticabili. L’osteite pubica rappresenta una delle principali cause di dolore inguinale e colpisce gli sportivi nel 0,5-0,7% dei casi. Dal settembre 2003 all’agosto 2004, 40 atleti, 37 uomini e 3 donne (età compresa tra 18 e 37 anni; età media: 24 anni), con diagnosi clinica di pubalgia sono stati sottoposti a RM del bacino. In tutti i casi la sintomatologia era caratterizzata da dolore mono (33%) o bilaterale (67%) con irradiazione alla…
Interventistica eco-guidata per l’articolazione d’anca
Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di rivedere le principali applicazioni della interventistica eco-guidata d’anca, descrivendone le indicazioni e la metodologia. L’ecografia è una metodica considerata sicura per i pazienti, in quanto non è stato dimostrato un possibile danno dovuto all’energia trasmessa dagli ultrasuoni ai tessuti del paziente, contrariamente alle metodiche che fanno uso di radiazioni ionizzanti, come la radiografia convenzionale e la tomografia computerizzata. Inoltre, l’ecografia risulta rapida ed efficace nel guidare l’ago verso la sede voluta evitando di intercettare strutture vascolari e/o nervose, consentendo quindi una maggiore sicurezza, rispetto alle tecniche interventis…
Role of low-field magnetic resonance imaging in the detection of floating meniscus sign as consequence of sport-related trauma
Aim. To assess the role of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging performed with a low-field scanner in the detection of floating meniscus sign as a consequence of sports-related trauma. Methods. Retrospective review of 2436 MR knee examinations executed, in 18 months, using a low-field scanner of 0.2T, was performed by three musculoskeletal radiologists of varying experience. Diagnostic criteria to define the presence of a complete floating meniscus were as codified in the literature, lithe thickness of the fluid signal band between the meniscus and tibial plateau was comprised in the range >= 3 mm and <= 5 mm the floating meniscus was defined as partial. Patients with the sign were called to lea…
Ultrasound-guided intervention for hip joint
The purpose of this work is to review the main applications of ultrasound-guided hip interventional procedures, describing the indications and methodology. Ultrasound is a method considered safe for patients, as it has not been shown a possible damage due to ultrasound energy transmitted towards the patient’s tissues, as opposed to methods that make use of ionizing radiation, such as conventional radiography and computed tomography. In addition, ultra- sound is quick and effective in guiding the needle to the desired location avoiding vascular and/or nerve structures, thus enabling greater security, compared to the techniques performed in interventional fluoroscopy, which also have the disa…
Sportomics in professional soccer players: metabolomics results during preseason.
BACKGROUND Sportomics is the application of metabolomics to study the metabolism shifts of individuals that practice sports or do physical exercise. This aim was reached by the analysis of low molecular weight metabolites (<1.5 kDa) present in biological fluids such as blood, saliva or urine. METHODS In this study, authors performed a 1H-NMR analysis of urine from 21 professional soccer players collected at 3 different time points during the preseason preparation period before the beginning of Serie A Championship (first division) in Italy. RESULTS Urine profile changed during the observational period. In particular, significant variations were observed for trimethylamine-N-oxide, dimethyla…
T-Thesis terapia nei traumi muscolari da sport. follow-up ecografico
Application of T-Thesys Therapy in post-operative recovery in knee-surgical interventions: A case study
T-Thesys therapy is an innovative treatment that can be used even in the presence of recent injuries. For this reason, we studied the T-Thesys use in the post-operative phase of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction of the knee. For our study, we selected 51 patients for ACL surgery, and we divided participants in two groups: the Experimental Group (EG) and the Control Group (CG). The EG consisted of 34 patients (age: 26.9 ± 7.65 years) who underwent T-Thesys therapy after surgery, while the CG included 17 patients (age: 26.7 ± 6.8 years) who was not subjected to T-Thesys therapy after surgery. T-Thesys therapy was performed on a daily basis and participants' parameters were m…
Muscle lesions, a frequent event in sport, often cause hematomas. In fact, both in the traumatic direct injuries, as in American football, and in the traumatic indirect ones, as in strength sports, lesions interesting leg's Muscles Cause intra- and extramuscular hematomas. A diagnosis in a short time, allow LIS to evaluate the lesion rank and plan a surgery approach. Authors present high resolution Ultrasound (HRSU) as a new diagnostic method for this kind of lesion. It allows us to confirm clinic diagnosis, define the lesion's areas and follow-up. Moreover, HRSU has all important role in therapy, promoting in real time the blood's aspiration from lesion's area. Three phases after trauma, d…