Ilkka Ratinen
Agency, expertise and working life skills : Students’ conceptions of the generic competences required in the world of work
Fundamental changes in working life highlight the demands on the co-operation between the educational sector and working life, that should contribute to students’ employability. In addition to discipline-specific expertise, the development of working life skills has received increasing attention when it comes to employment. Drawing on data from Finnish universities of applied sciences (n=5) and universities (n=3), this paper examines how students (n=380) value the generic competences needed in in the world of work. The study is based on European reforms of labour markets and educational structures. This paper adds to current discourses around employability by highlighting differences betwee…
Aineenopettajankoulutus LUMA-aineissa Jyväskylän yliopistossa
Jyväskylän yliopistosta valmistuu aineenopettajia LUMA-aineissa kaikilta matemaattis-luonnontieteellisen tiedekunnan ainelaitoksilta, lisäksi tietotekniikan opettajia informaatioteknologian tiedekunnasta. Matemaattis-luonnontieteellisestä tiedekunnasta valmistuu vuosittain reilut 40 aineenopettajaa, kaikkiaan valmistuneista maistereista noin joka neljännellä on opettajan pätevyys. Tietotekniikan laitokselta valmistuu vuosittain noin 10 aineenopettajaa. Tulevan aineenopettajan opintopolku muodostuu opinnoista ainelaitoksilla, opettajankoulutuslaitoksella ja Normaalikoulussa. Opettajia kouluttavien yhteistyö on tärkeää opintojen kokonaisvaltaisessa suunnittelussa. Ainelaitosten, opettajankoul…
Oppilaiden ilmastonmuutososaamisen suhde heidän käsityksiinsä omasta ympäristötietoisuudesta ja -optimismista
Primary student teachers' climate change conceptualization and implementation on inquiry-based and communicative science teaching : a design research
International Perspectives on the Effectiveness of Geography Fieldwork for Learning
This paper seeks to address assumptions on the effectiveness of fieldwork as a mode of learning in geography. This is approached from an international perspective, both in review of available evidence, which demonstrates a need for rigorous research into the issue, and in providing preliminary findings of research into the value of fieldwork from universities across three continents. Common themes to emerge concern the effectiveness of fieldwork in terms of learning and understanding of the subject: providing first-hand experience of the real world, whichever part of the world the students are in; skills development (transferable and technical); and social benefits. The extent to which fiel…
Osallistaminen ilmastopolitiikassa
Inquiry-Based Approaches in Primary Science Teacher Education
This chapter introduces an interactional graphic tool together with a model for inquiry-based science teaching (abbreviated as IBST). The combination of the graphic tool and model offers an approach to support the planning, implementation, reflection and analysis of dialogic IBST. The potential use is illustrated here using a case study in which student teachers used IBST to develop their teaching. The interactional graphic and the model are fundamentally related to three established approaches to science teaching: inquiry-based science teaching, dialogic teaching and the communicative approach. Together, these approaches draw attention to learner participation in inquiry-based science teac…
Student-teachers’ use ofGoogle Earthin problem-based geology learning
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are adequate for analyzing complex scientific and spatial phenomena in geography education. Google Earth is a geographic information tool for GIS-based learning. It allows students to engage in the lesson, explore the Earth, explain what they identify and evaluate the implications of what they are learning. This paper introduces one example of using Google Earth for problem-based learning processes in teacher education. Student-teachers’ geographical thinking was analyzed during the study process. We have found that although student-teachers have inadequate skills to use information and communication technology, the use of Google Earth improved student…
Aineenopettajankoulutus LUMA-aineissa Jyväskylän yliopistossa
Jyväskylän yliopistosta valmistuu aineenopettajia LUMA-aineissa kaikilta matemaattisluonnontieteellisen tiedekunnan ainelaitoksilta, lisäksi tietotekniikan opettajia informaatioteknologian tiedekunnasta. Matemaattis-luonnontieteellisestä tiedekunnasta valmistuu vuosittain reilut 40 aineenopettajaa, kaikkiaan valmistuneista maistereista noin joka neljännellä on opettajan pätevyys. Tietotekniikan laitokselta valmistuu vuosittain noin 10 aineenopettajaa. Tulevan aineenopettajan opintopolku muodostuu opinnoista ainelaitoksilla, opettajankoulutuslaitoksella ja Normaalikoulussa. Opettajia kouluttavien yhteistyö on tärkeää opintojen kokonaisvaltaisessa suunnittelussa. Ainelaitosten, opettajankoulu…
Koulutuksen kulttuurit ja hyvinvoinnin politiikat : Verkkojulkaisu
Enriching primary student teachers’ conceptions about science teaching: Towards dialogic inquirybased teaching
Inquiry-based teaching has been at the heart of science education since it was first outlined in national standards over a decade ago. The general idea behind the inquiry guidelines is that pupils would adopt ways of conducting science, in addition to conceptually learning, thus attaining also the epistemological dimension of science. Although curricula are based on these ideas of inquiry, all too often authentic inquiry is hindered by overly authoritative approaches and teacher directions. To avoid this, the communicational ways in which teachers can encourage pupil reasoning during different phases of inquiry should be explicitly addressed. This paper addresses this gap by introducing a d…
Primary Student-Teachers' Conceptual Understanding of the Greenhouse Effect: A Mixed Method Study
International audience; The greenhouse effect is a reasonably complex scientific phenomenon which can be used as a model to examine students' conceptual understanding in science. Primary student-teachers' understanding of global environmental problems, such as climate change and ozone depletion, indicates that they have many misconceptions. The present mixed methods study examines Finnish primary student-teachers' understanding of the greenhouse effect based on the results obtained via open-ended and closed-form questionnaires. The open-ended questionnaire considers primary student-teachers' spontaneous ideas about the greenhouse effect depicted by concept maps. The present study also uses …
Primary Student-Teachers’ Practical Knowledge of Inquiry-Based Science Teaching and Classroom Communication of Climate Change
A teacher’s practical knowledge contains the teacher’s beliefs about the goals, values and principles of education that guide his or her actions in the classroom. There is still a lack of knowledge about how teachers’ practical knowledge influences their teaching. The present study examines student teachers’ practical knowledge in the context of teaching climate change in elementary schools. Participating student-teachers planned their lessons using the principles and ideas of inquiry-based science teaching and the communicative approach. The same two approaches were applied in analysing the lessons, providing a broader basis on which to study student-teachers’ beliefs about teaching scienc…
Google Earth geo-education resources: A transnational approach from Ireland, Iceland, Finland, and Norway
The Northern Environmental Education Development (NEED) project was a transnational geo-education resource development initiative cooperated by four European countries: Ireland, Finland, Norway, and Iceland. NEED supported the development of novel geological information resources, and the establishment of geoeducation networks in the four project regions. An analysis of the national geography and science curriculum in each region was conducted. This analysis identifi ed which geographic learning skills were common to each curriculum. The development of innovative geographic information system (GIS) resources to help support the development of geographic skills was considered a potentially v…
Elinvoiman ja elonkirjon puolesta : ekologinen jälleenrakennus kunnissa pandemian jälkeen
The effects of socio-scientific issue based inquiry learning on pupils’ representations of landscape
AbstractResearch has demonstrated that socio-scientific issues based inquiry learning has significant advantages for learning outcomes and students’ motivation. Further, a successful understanding of landscapes in environmental and geographical education can be achieved by combining informal learning environments with school education. Therefore this case study focuses on how socio-scientific issues based inquiry learning carried out in school and in a Nature Park, influences primary school pupils’ (n = 36) representations of landscapes. The pupils were asked to draw and write about landscape both before and after intervention. The data was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively to inves…