S. Ilievski

Measurements of the dipole response with radioactive beams

research product

Giant resonances in unstable oxygen isotopes

Abstract Electromagnetic and nuclear breakup of the neutron-rich Oxygen isotopes ranging from A = 17 to A = 22 is studied experimentally in reactions at energies around 600 MeV/u. The beams were produced in fragmentation reactions and separated by the GSI Fragment Separator FRS. By measuring the four-momenta of all decay products after inelastic scattering and neutron decay of the projectile, the excitation energy is determined. From the differential cross sections dσ dE ∗ for electromagnetic excitation, the E1-strength distributions can be deduced. For 18,20,22O, low-lying dipole strength is observed, exhausting about 5% of the Thomas Reiche Kuhn sumrule for energies up to 5 MeV above the …

research product

Photoneutron cross sections for unstable neutron-rich oxygen isotopes.

The dipole response of stable and unstable neutron-rich oxygen nuclei of masses A = 17 to A = 22 has been investigated experimentally utilizing electromagnetic excitation in heavy-ion collisions at beam energies about 600 MeV/nucleon. A kinematically complete measurement of the neutron decay channel in inelastic scattering of the secondary beam projectiles from a Pb target was performed. Differential electromagnetic excitation cross sections d sigma/dE were derived up to 30 MeV excitation energy. In contrast to stable nuclei, the deduced dipole strength distribution appears to be strongly fragmented and systematically exhibits a considerable fraction of low-lying strength.

research product

Measurement of the dipole response of neutron-rich nuclei in the A∼20 region

Abstract Coulomb break up of the neutron-rich 15,17 C and 17–22 O isotopes has been studied experimentally using secondary beams at energies of 500–600 MeV/u. A comparison between differential cross sections, d σ/ d E ∗ , with that obtained from a binary model shows that the main ground-state configuration of 15 C is 14 C(0 + )⊗ ν S 1/2 as expected. For 17 C, our preliminary data analysis reveals that the predominant (∼64%) configuration of the ground state is 16 C(2 + )⊗ ν s , d . For 17–22 O, the low-lying E1 strength amounts up to about 12% of the energy weighted sum rule strength depending on neutron number. The energy weighted E1 strength (integrated up to 15 MeV excitation energy) inc…

research product

Excitation and decay of two-phonon giant dipole resonances

Abstract In heavy ion collisions at near relativistic energies, electromagnetic excitation of the double giant dipole resonance occurs with large cross sections. We summarize the presently available experimental data and discuss related theoretical efforts. Emphasis is paid to the question of anharmonicities and to the damping of the two-phonon states.

research product

Fragmentation of exotic oxygen isotopes

Abrasion-ablation models and the empirical EPAX parametrization of projectile fragmentation are described. Their cross section predictions are compared to recent data of the fragmentation of secondary beams of neutron-rich, unstable 19,20,21O isotopes at beam energies near 600 MeV/nucleon as well as data for stable 17,18O beams.

research product