Gert A. Van Montfrans
European Society of Hypertension practice guidelines for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
Given the increasing use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) in both clinical practice and hypertension research, a group of scientists, participating in the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on blood pressure monitoring and cardiovascular variability, in year 2013 published a comprehensive position paper dealing with all aspects of the technique, based on the available scientific evidence for ABPM. The present work represents an updated schematic summary of the most important aspects related to the use of ABPM in daily practice, and is aimed at providing recommendations for proper use of this technique in a clinical setting by both specialists and practicing physici…
Practical solutions to the challenges of uncontrolled hypertension: a white paper.
This white paper is an urgent call to action from aninternational group of physicians. The continued failure tocontrolhypertensiontakesanunacceptabletollon patients,families and society and it must be addressed. Any patientwith blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or greater can becharacterizedasa ‘challengingpatient’,is atsignificant risk,and requires persistent optimization of therapy until targetblood pressure is achieved. Six key challenges in reachingthis goal blood pressure are described: (1) inadequateprimary prevention; (2) faulty awareness of risk; (3) lack ofsimplicity; (4) therapeutic inertia; (5) insufficient patientempowerment; and (6) unsupportive healthcare systems.This white paper id…