Vera Paulino

Prediction of arch length based on intercanine width.

Arch length (AL), intercanine width (ICW), and intermolar width (IMW) are essential for diagnosis and treatment planning and are closely related factors in orthodontics. The aim of the present study was to determine correlations between these measurements and to predict some of these measurements based on others. The dental casts of 197 Spanish patients (119 females and 78 males) with a mean age of 18 years (11-26 years) in the permanent dentition attending the Orthodontic Department of the University of Valencia, Spain, were selected. ICW, IMW, and AL on each dental cast were measured using a previously tested digital method. Correlation between variables was determined using Pearson's cor…

research product

Análise da discrepância ósseo-dentária desde a adolescência até à quinta década de vida: estudo transversal

Resumo Objectivos Descrever e avaliar as alteracoes da discrepância osseo-dentaria (DOD) com a idade em ambos sexos. Material e metodos Seleccionaram-se 188 individuos da cidade de Valencia, Espanha, distribuidos por tres grupos de idade: 63 adolescentes (idade media: 14,15 anos), 62 jovens (idade media: 21,9 anos) e 63 adultos (idade media: 40 anos). O diâmetro mesiodistal de cada dente e o perimetro de arcada foram medidos em cada um dos modelos de estudo obtidos de cada individuo da amostra usando um metodo digital e foi calculada a DOD (positiva e negativa) para cada arcada. Compararam-se os resultados obtidos entre sexos e grupos de idade. Resultados Os resultados variaram em cada arca…

research product

Evolution of dental arches characteristics in two age groups

Introducción: Se comparan las características dimensionales de las arcadas dentarias entre dos grupos de edades diferentes, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, para analizar las variaciones asociadas a la edad, sexo y a la influencia del tratamiento ortodóncico. Material y método: Se utilizaron dos muestras: 88 pares de modelos de escayola de adolescentes (edad media 14,05 años) y 65 de adultos (edad media 22,15 años). Se usó un método digital para la medición de los diámetros mesiodistales de los dientes, distancias intercaninas e intermolares, longitudes de las arcadas y se obtuvo el apiñamiento dentario inferior. Para el análisis estadístico se agruparon las muestras de cada grupo de edad po…

research product

Dental arch changes from adolescence to adulthood in a spanish population : a cross-sectional study

Objectives: Given the controversy in the literature about the variations in intercanine and intermolar distances and arch perimeter once the eruption of permanent teeth is completed, the aims of this study were to assess the changes of these measures with age, analyzing its sexual dimorphism and variability in a Spanish population. Study Design: 188 Spanish individuals distributed in three age groups were selected: 63 adolescents (mean age: 14.15 years), 62 young adults (mean age: 21.9 years) and 63 adults (mean age: 40 years). The intercanine and intermolar distances and arch perimeter were measured in each dental cast from each individual of the sample using a digital method. The results …

research product

Tooth size changes with age in a Spanish population: Percentile tables

Objectives: The aims of this work were: firstly, to draw up tables of percentile tooth sizes similar to those of Sanin and Savara for three age groups of a Spanish population; secondly, to describe changes in tooth size between those groups over time, as well as observing any sexual dimorphism and, finally, to compare both the Spanish and Sanin and Savara's American population samples. Material and methods: The sample included 359 patients and was divided into three age groups: adolescents, young adults and adults, of both genders. After dental cast digitalization, mesiodistal tooth-size was measured on each dental cast using a digital method. Dental size tables organized by percentiles for…

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