Valeriy V. Yashchuk
Production and detection of atomic hexadecapole at Earth's magnetic field
Anisotropy of atomic states is characterized by population differences and coherences between Zeeman sublevels. It can be efficiently created and probed via resonant interactions with light, the technique which is at the heart of modern atomic clocks and magnetometers. Recently, nonlinear magneto-optical techniques have been developed for selective production and detection of higher polarization moments, hexadecapole and hexacontatetrapole, in the ground states of the alkali atoms. Extension of these techniques into the range of geomagnetic fields is important for practical applications. This is because hexadecapole polarization corresponding to the $\Delta M=4$ Zeeman coherence, with maxim…
Production and detection of atomic hexadecapole at Earth’s magnetic field
We report a novel method that allows selective creation and detection of a macroscopic long lived hexadecapole polarization in the F = 2 ground state of 87Rb atoms at Earth's magnetic field (510 mG).
Can a quantum nondemolition measurement improve the sensitivity of an atomic magnetometer?
Noise properties of an idealized atomic magnetometer that utilizes spin squeezing induced by a continuous quantum nondemolition measurement are considered. Such a magnetometer measures spin precession of $N$ atomic spins by detecting optical rotation of far-detuned light. Fundamental noise sources include the quantum projection noise and the photon shot-noise. For measurement times much shorter than the spin-relaxation time observed in the absence of light ($\tau_{\rm rel}$) divided by $\sqrt{N}$, the optimal sensitivity of the magnetometer scales as $N^{-3/4}$, so an advantage over the usual sensitivity scaling as $N^{-1/2}$ can be achieved. However, at longer measurement times, the optimi…
Dynamic effects in nonlinear magneto-optics of atoms and molecules: review
A brief review is given of topics relating to dynamical processes arising in nonlinear interactions between light and resonant systems (atoms or molecules) in the presence of a magnetic field.